Mary Magdalene Comments

  • Evelyn 2022-12-12 08:30:49

    Probably the only biblical topic I would watch: Mary Magdalene resembles the struggles of women since the beginning of the time, unfortunately, the film is very boring. “if there's a demon in me it's always been there.” I fell asleep because Santana was asleep next to me and it's contagious...

  • Sincere 2022-12-10 20:09:30

    The historiography is written in plain form, so there is no close-up of any miracles. It depicts the real Mary Magdalene, but describes a vaguely sensitive biblical...

  • Ned 2022-12-05 09:50:18

    Super looking forward to my favorite American actor and my favorite American actress. The director is so tasteful, I look forward to...

  • Ellis 2022-12-04 21:00:31

    Religious films are definitely a niche and difficult subject matter. In particular, it needs to take the essence and remove the dross, not only to reflect "historical facts", but also to reflect some contemporary values. "Mary Magdalene" has many connotations about equality, the power of religion, the persecution of superstition, and so on. It also reflects some of the real core of Christianity, not the situation of prayer, religious rituals, or conquering and being conquered. A thing that can...

  • Durward 2022-11-29 18:46:25

    It's disgusting, fans have turned black, since Nima joined the Knicks, the film selection was terrible, the filming was terrifying, and then gave up being an actor, I can only blame me for being too blind back then, and I thought it would appear after "Carol" What about the new independent goddess of literature and art, I am extremely...

  • Adonis 2022-11-05 07:44:39

    Can you imagine that a film called Mary Magdalene starring Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix could be so mediocre? Before seeing the low score, I still defaulted to being too controversial. In fact, this film is the antonym of avant-garde and radical, a hundred passes away from the last temptation of...

  • Trenton 2022-10-23 10:58:39

    A lot of people saw them fall asleep, and I, who didn't know much about religion, didn't understand it very well either. Weird music always makes people feel that something big will happen in the next...

  • Hubert 2022-10-13 15:06:07

    The Jesus in Mary's eyes may be implying that they have a rose thread left...

  • Angelina 2022-10-08 16:42:24

    Every time I see the scene of Christ's crucifixion, I am moved. I feel that many scenes that should be emphasized have been understated, such as Mary's anxiety when she went to Jesus' tomb to see Jesus' body missing, and Mary's prayer at the Lord's feet. I feel that I put too much emphasis on Mary, but it downplays the Lord a...

  • Jessika 2022-10-07 16:42:13

    The sense of religion that is based on female intuition and cannot be explained without words, rather than based on male logic, is well communicated. Camus seems to be writing about his mother in "Summer." She often sits silently and asks her what she is thinking. She will say "rien"-Camus said "et ceci était vrai". That's how it feels. However, there is actually no need to wash Maria's status as a...

Extended Reading

Mary Magdalene quotes

  • Jesus: What shall I teach?

    Mary Magdalene: Are we so different from men you must teach us different things? We are women. Our lives are not our own.

  • Jesus: Lord, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Give us today the bread of tomorrow. And forgive us our debts. For we forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not bring us to the test.

    Mary Magdalene: May peace be upon you.

    Jesus: Amen.