Mary Magdalene Comments

  • Ibrahim 2023-07-25 22:59:49

    Écriture féminine. Is the image of Matthew's actor and the Four Gospels a bit different from each other? Where can the "short winter melon" who are more than 175 cm...

  • Sigrid 2023-07-21 23:52:16

    Both stars give Judah's affection and tragicness. Rahim's performance is too good. This sincere character is completely out of line with the artificiality and emptiness presented in the whole movie. What a waste of a good actor's good performance. One more thing to mention is the diversity of the supporting cast, this diversity should be appreciated. I won't talk about the plot of other characters, it's really rotten and ridiculous, Joaquin played this...

  • Jamison 2023-07-17 09:51:08

    Phoenix × Little White...

  • Elfrieda 2023-07-02 13:19:34

    Well, how can I say it, it is a restoration of the whole process of Mary Magdalene witnessing the resurrection of Jesus. #Milk Nimara Supplement...

  • Gerry 2023-06-25 18:48:24

    Pounce, break up quickly, Rooney, come back and make a good...

  • Clifford 2023-06-14 18:27:31

    How to make a Bible story so that it does not sin against the Holy See is a bit novel, but it is actually quite difficult. As a result, the thoughts of non-believers are naturally put aside. What are the five-hair miracles and the gods' teachings? If you don't believe in it, you will be a blockbuster, and there is no lace and gossip (although it is a couple starring). The First Witness Mary, the First Witness of the True First Female Disciple, the Devout, and the Faithful Follower. And what is...

  • Giles 2023-06-08 00:47:52

    From the fact that the film's schedule has been withdrawn from the awards season to the spring, it can be seen that the filmmaker has no confidence in the film; fortunately, the soundtrack is good, and the so-called "true" restoration of the historical Mary Magdalene image, and to a certain extent whitewashed...

  • Arnold 2023-05-31 20:25:30

    What if the man you love is God What if the man you love never belongs to you What if you lose the man you love one day? Photography is good and the religious atmosphere comes out. But the script is too bad, it's all supported by Mala and Joaquin's...

  • Celine 2023-05-28 17:05:06

    The women in the village have a posture of "Where is feminism?", and the black brother St. Peter, who is full of drama, must be politically correct in adapting the Bible these days. Rabbit and Fei Kun don't match up, just show your love in real life, don't play opposites. Anyway, the director doesn't know whether he wants to impress ordinary audiences or...

  • Tamara 2023-05-27 20:02:17

    I like Rooney's face very much, but it's also this cold temperament that makes her alienated from this role. Compared with the Virgin, it is more suitable for rebels. It was an interesting story. It was filmed by the director. The exploration spares no effort, but ignores the details of the era and language [Mary...

Extended Reading

Mary Magdalene quotes

  • Jesus: What shall I teach?

    Mary Magdalene: Are we so different from men you must teach us different things? We are women. Our lives are not our own.

  • Jesus: Lord, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Give us today the bread of tomorrow. And forgive us our debts. For we forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not bring us to the test.

    Mary Magdalene: May peace be upon you.

    Jesus: Amen.