Mary Magdalene Comments

  • Stephania 2023-09-30 10:03:58

    Justify the name of Mary; to say you are a Virgin is a Virgin, and to say you are a prostitute is a prostitute; can you sow the seeds of love in the face of...

  • Mallory 2023-09-28 18:52:14

    Atheists find it...

  • Hassie 2023-09-24 14:05:27

    Two stars. Religious movies are too difficult to make, they are easy to touch the restricted areas of all parties, and they cannot be understood by the general public in terms of subject matter. The same is true of this film. Although Rooney Mara is beautiful and the soundtrack is excellent, people who are not familiar with this subject will find it difficult to understand....

  • Horacio 2023-09-23 16:26:00

    Mary Magdalene actually relived the account of Christ's crucifixion from Mary's perspective. Everyone can re-watch "The Last Temptation of Christ", this one is unnecessary. The opening and closing of Deep Sea Drop expresses the fate of women in a simple way. In 24 minutes, Joaquin appeared, with a beard-like look on his face, and his real-life wife Rooney Mara adored and stared at him, which is probably a reflection of the real relationship. The cover-up game is almost ambiguous, and Joaquin...

  • Alexis 2023-08-18 14:13:28

    The theme of justifying the name of Mary Magdalene is quite in line with the spirit of the feminist era, but it was made into a missionary movie with crazy and emotional scenes showing miracles. Phoenix's failed acting skills made people feel this way about him. The characters are particularly loathsome, what else does Maria do other than stare at Jesus affectionately? The only surprise is that the character of Judas is more prominent in the moving background boards, which is real and lovely....

  • Susie 2023-08-18 07:32:05

    Why don't you find a Middle Eastern actor to shoot? This movie is probably only seen by Christians. Although Rooney is spicy and beautiful, he looks very playful. After reading this, I want to buy linen...

  • Lukas 2023-08-17 00:07:12

    The lens is freehand and full of divinity. The interpretation of the times is added to the traditional biblical story. The will and self-salvation of women are paid more attention to Rooney Mara's gaze is very contagious. However, the difficult and obscure lines greatly weaken the sense of...

  • Tremayne 2023-08-15 21:27:58

    I won’t comment on the plot, it was edited by someone 2000 years ago. I don’t comment on the casting. Why is Peter so black? Isn’t Jesus still so white? Obviously everyone is from the Middle East -.- Two stars for the selection. The surroundings of Magdala and Kinneret in the movie are really in line with the field. Yes, it is said that it was shot in...

  • Stephany 2023-08-14 12:39:20

    Non-Christians look...

  • Montana 2023-07-26 21:01:41

    The filming is basically based on the story of Maria in the Four Gospels, and Mara’s clean face adds a kind of coldness to the whole character, which is slightly different from the Maria in my fantasy. In general, it is a very qualified missionary film! ——From a CPC...

Extended Reading

Mary Magdalene quotes

  • Jesus: What shall I teach?

    Mary Magdalene: Are we so different from men you must teach us different things? We are women. Our lives are not our own.

  • Jesus: Lord, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Give us today the bread of tomorrow. And forgive us our debts. For we forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not bring us to the test.

    Mary Magdalene: May peace be upon you.

    Jesus: Amen.