Martha Marcy May Marlene Comments

  • Rebeca 2023-09-19 20:59:26

    The front is very good, the back is completely non-sense, this kind of Stockholm sequela, how can you do it without waking up with a big mouth. Elizabeth Olsen is simply the reincarnation of Maggie Gyllenhaal, a complete Muse...

  • Darrion 2023-09-01 00:53:57

    Worth encouraging, as a junior creator. The plot and rhythm are very bad, and the simple themes cannot be touched back and forth. What's great is the scene setup ÷ photography + dialogue. The tidbits include a short film made by the director before that, completed with only $500 in the bank card, "The Last Time I See Martha", which is tired and...

  • Noelia 2023-08-26 17:59:44

    This film tells people the importance of communication, the tragic story of an underage girl who accidentally slipped and escaped, but lost her life due to lack of communication with her...

  • Kay 2023-08-26 13:17:20

    The filming is not bad at all, the heroine has a great body and beautiful facial features, emphasizing that she looks like Maggie Gallenhall. It's a movie with dark green ghosts, and it's uncomfortable to watch. I'm so old, I don't want to watch movies like this...

  • Thurman 2023-07-16 01:19:55

    Brainwashing failure case...

  • Marshall 2023-07-14 15:25:21

    What a good movie like this! ? ! --...

  • Jarret 2023-07-04 22:45:45

    It's like it's specially shot for newcomers to practice skills. Regarding cults, less is given than in 1Q84; the descriptions of believers or ex-believers are not constructive...

  • Meaghan 2023-06-23 18:04:35

    The film uses many ingenious shots to switch between Martha's double-sided life. The quiet, simple and orderly life in the forest farm hides evil, and the affluent life of the middle class in the lakeside villa is also alienated and isolated. Gradually, she felt that the line between the two was getting blurred, and Martha herself gradually couldn't tell the difference between the past and the present, and slipped into the abyss of collapse. The film's restrained and calm footage, coupled with...

  • Coralie 2023-05-17 23:25:30

    Very, very delicate, but not my favorite...

  • Vivien 2023-05-17 01:28:01

    This ends. . . . It...

Extended Reading

Martha Marcy May Marlene quotes

  • Lucy: Why would you think it's okay to come in here like that?

    Martha: I don't know. It's a big bed. You guys were on the other side.

    Lucy: You can't come into our room when we're having sex. That's not normal. It's private.

    Martha: Sorry.

    Lucy: You don't need to apologize. Just - I need you to understand why it's not okay.

    Martha: Okay.

    Lucy: Do you?

    Martha: Yeah.

    Lucy: Well?

    Martha: Because it's private and not normal.

    Lucy: Oh, God.

  • Martha: [to Lucy] Just because we're sisters doesn't mean we need to talk about everything that comes into your head!