Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House Comments

  • Vaughn 2022-06-29 14:25:36

    It is rare for the theater to encounter the omeu version. Thanks for the subtitles, otherwise watching this kind of political film would be a little hard. The amount of information involved in the Watergate incident is not small. It shows that Felt is very complete in all aspects from work to life. After reading it, I have the urge to read the biography. The whole film is basically a dialogue and confrontation. It is true that the rhythm does not fluctuate much, but it is very interesting to...

  • Keegan 2022-06-29 13:08:03

    deep throat. There is no feeling in the film, the narrative is flat, the sense of separation is a bit heavy, and there is a feeling that the handover cannot be made. Maybe it will be better if it is shot for two hours. Mark Felt's own story is wonderful, and in terms of subject matter alone, it's a bit of a waste to deal with it this...

Extended Reading

Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House quotes

  • Mark Felt: The White House is packing all its crimes in separate little boxes. Watergate, the spying, the ugliness, the rot. Each thing in a different box so that no one can put it together, so that no one sees it's all connected. And no one will care, but it's all the same big thing.

    Sandy Smith: And Watergate? Just the gateway.

  • Bob Woodward: We're lost in detail.

    Mark Felt: That's their plan. They want everyone confused. Confusion is control. The truth could ruin the administration.