Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House Comments

  • Janice 2023-04-27 09:28:45

    I came here after watching "The post", it's a good historical...

  • Albert 2023-04-24 22:01:37

    The most influential whistleblower in history. The film does not present the events themselves in detail, but focuses on the characters, creating an unusually tense and profound atmosphere. After watching it, I hope the movie can be played for another...

  • Benjamin 2023-04-22 10:11:04

    50/100 Too many plot brains may be due to the lack of material. The creator's helplessness can be seen from the time line division of the movie without any sense of existence. In fact, the filming effect of the film according to the wiki or Baidu Encyclopedia's summary of the deep throat on several major influences on American society is better than...

  • Declan 2023-04-10 03:10:10

    Peter Landesman is a big step backward. He shoots all good...

  • Georgianna 2023-04-08 23:26:37

    Even Mneeson has been rescuing and rescuing all day long, almost forgetting about his acting...

  • Claudie 2023-03-27 06:48:20

    The failure is that the audience knows the leaker, but the FBI doesn't know the suspenseful sense of suspense. It's better to do it the other way...

  • Roselyn 2023-03-24 06:43:00

    In a democratic country, if you want to expose the incident of the president, you have to risk your life and use all means to succeed, even if you are the director of the FBI. Liam Neeson's old-fashioned performance was obliterated by the flat routine plot, the diary-style spread was not all, and it lacked commercial highlights, like drinking a glass of orange juice with water. 6.5...

  • Katheryn 2023-03-22 17:09:25

    That night, my wife was in a red dress and was a little drunk. She stared at Felt full of disappointment and persuaded him to resign. At that time, the presidential Watergate scandal had not yet occurred, and I did not know that I would overthrow the dominoes. I did not know that my daughter had left home and gave birth to a grandson. He's the Deputy Director of the FBI, or Deep Throat behind the scenes; he's a traitor, or a hero. He was just a man lying beside his daughter's bed wearing shoes,...

  • Maureen 2023-03-16 02:11:43

    Is it treason? Or save the country? How to judge him rationally?...

  • Kailey 2022-11-21 16:05:42

    The first time I saw Uncle Liam not acting in an action movie, I was not used to it. The plot is okay, just a little bit of...

Extended Reading

Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House quotes

  • Mark Felt: The White House is packing all its crimes in separate little boxes. Watergate, the spying, the ugliness, the rot. Each thing in a different box so that no one can put it together, so that no one sees it's all connected. And no one will care, but it's all the same big thing.

    Sandy Smith: And Watergate? Just the gateway.

  • Bob Woodward: We're lost in detail.

    Mark Felt: That's their plan. They want everyone confused. Confusion is control. The truth could ruin the administration.