Mannequin Comments

  • Bianka 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    I saw it when I was very...

  • Clementina 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    Diaosi counterattacks a fantasy romantic comedy, very happy, it is really suitable for Yangliu to broadcast, the whole family can watch it...

  • Augustus 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    A childhood classic, looking back after watching more than 2,000 movies, such a simple story and the final theme song are still...

  • Ivy 2022-03-25 09:01:21 Handsome guy spends all day with plastic models, everyone thinks he's crazy...

  • Kristoffer 2022-03-25 09:01:21

    I saw this movie on TV when I was a kid. The Spader inside is a cartoonish villain. It turns out that I saw Uncle Zhan's face when I was a few years old,...

  • Gloria 2022-03-25 09:01:21

    There's nothing Hollywood about this film, but it's pure and that's...

  • Kamille 2022-03-25 09:01:21

    Movies of that era, aftertaste, I still remember seeing a contemporaneous "The Mermaid", when Tom Hanks was still...

  • Johnathan 2022-03-25 09:01:21

    4.5 This movie has more love and the ending is...

  • Meaghan 2022-03-25 09:01:21

    3.5 Compare the sequel "Wooden Beauty" -0.5. It's a bit baffling that the hero's girlfriend is blackened, and it's not good that the hero suddenly cheats on the model and falls in love with the model. This part doesn't feel as good as the second part. The theme song Nothing's gonna stop us now is too...

  • Jovanny 2022-03-25 09:01:21

    Secretly cooing baby! Very...

Extended Reading

Mannequin quotes

  • Roxie Shield: I think you should see a professional.

    Jonathan Switcher: A professional? What do you mean, a hooker?

    Roxie Shield: No, I mean a psychiatrist.

    Jonathan Switcher: I can't afford a psychiatrist.

    Roxie Shield: Then call one of those shrinks on the radio.

    Jonathan Switcher: A radio shrink? They're only good for people with problems that fit between the commercials.

    Roxie Shield: Good night, Jonathan.

  • Jonathan Switcher: [coming out of the elevator] Easy, Felix! I don't think she's armed!

    Felix: You can fool Rambo, but it won't work with me, Switcher! My brain is quicker than...

    [before he can finish his sentence, the elevator doors close on him]


Director: Michael Gottlieb

Language: English Release date: February 13, 1987

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