Man of Steel Comments

  • Daphney 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    Zach Schneider’s movies are not welcome in the celestial dynasty. The superman theme becomes more difficult to film as it goes on. In fact, letting other people shoot may not produce any children’s movies. There is mainly one shortcoming in the whole movie, and the heroine part is too blunt. . By the way, this textbook has contributed the best super-English fighting...

  • Eduardo 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    Congratulations to Zach for becoming a more terrifying saboteur than Michael Bay. The story of the film is terrible, and the rhythm is very unsuccessful. The first half of the film is long and procrastinated, and the second half is vigorously smashed, creating special effects and garbage without restraint, and Hans's soundtrack is full of the whole film, and there are many plots. The place is seriously unacceptable. This film is not Nolan at all, and the characterization is all left over from...

  • Conrad 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    The visual and sound effects are superb, the climax keeps rising, bursting in minutes, Superman's body is bulging up and down, without the red underwear, people still have the urge to pick up his clothes, the zero-point premiere almost bursts, Nima is so handsome! ! ! ! Blockbuster spoiler: Superman appeared nude on more than one occasion~.~Cover your face and...

  • Christiana 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    Fast-moving action fighting scenes bonus points, Superman bonus points, Superman flying bonus points, Superman figure bonus points, Superman cloak bonus points, Superman fierce bonus points, Superman fury bonus points, Superman underwear bonus points... "Avengers" League" visual effects, "Transformers" action, "Star Trek" screen, "Dark Knight" soundtrack, Superman has been working...

  • Dario 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    If it weren't for the unrestrained scuffle at the end, the film would actually be worth half a star. Although the film has been nearly two and a half hours, the amount of information the screenwriter wants to put in is too much. It is estimated that in order to control the length of time, a lot of necessary background information has been skipped. For ordinary domestic audiences, the story will be a big jump. In addition, I think the first half is very beautiful, much better than the various CG...

  • Norberto 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    Looking back at the superhero movies of the past few years, there are many differences in "Superman". Its focus is not on the structure of the story, but on the character's heart, his confusion and growth. All kinds of flashback and handheld photography, including the color tone, are also somewhat depressing. I rarely see the jokes and jokes that this kind of entertainment film must have, and I want to tell the superhero story seriously. Without the earthlings to play, the earthlings are...

  • Loyce 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    It's a long version of the ad for autumn clothes. . . Other commercial advertisements that came in randomly are also unappetizing. ....

  • Kaylah 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    When I hit him, he didn’t die, he hammered hard, and hammered for one kilometer, but he didn’t die. He picked him up and smashed it, smashed it on the wall, smashed it on the ground, smashed ten streets, smashed eighty buildings, just couldn’t move, why didn’t I? Just think of it and choke him to...

  • Doris 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    The first time I felt after reading it: flying around, flying around, bang! Fly around, fly around, bang! Fly around, fly around, bang! Fly around, fly around, bang! Fly around, fly around,...

  • Carter 2021-10-20 18:59:19

    The last time I watched a blockbuster such as Sanguan, I was so moved that I wanted to cry. It was The Lord of the Rings. The family drama, the tragic epic, and the darkness before the destruction of Krypton, this film is simply tailor-made for Schneider. The speed of light fighting is too burning, all kinds of Krypton equipment are new sci-fi experiences, and there is a relatively complete new cosmology; it is full of compassion, benevolence, justice and morality, but it is completely...

Extended Reading

Man of Steel quotes

  • Faora: [Beating up Kal-El] You are weak, Son of El, unsure of yourself. The fact that you possess a sense of morality, and we do not, gives us an evolutionary advantage. And if history has proven *anything*...

    Faora: [Faora picks up Kal-El throws him into another building]

    Faora: ...It is that evolution always wins.

  • General Zod: I was bred to be a warrior, Kal. Trained my entire life to master my senses. Where did you train? ON A FARM?