Malcolm & Marie Comments

  • Jasen 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    Strong sense of stage play and...

  • Mustafa 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    One Night at the Mulders - One Night at the Director Ma, who would be afraid of Virginia Woolf? Malcolm & Marie resembles Minnie & Moskowitz's reappearance, the old and improvised as a tribute to Cassavetes in the 1970s. The opening quarrel instantly thought of the long shot of the director's previous work "Assassination Nation" walking outside the house, out of the world. Calm is also laying the groundwork for the separation of aspiring couples in...

  • Karley 2022-03-20 09:02:31

    A letter of thanks from the director, thank you for everything! It's quite novel; you don't see this problem with the section chief, each film contains enough...

  • Chaim 2022-03-20 09:02:31

    Jealousy is like the drug addiction I have quit, and my arrogance is comparable to your inflated sexual desire. I am the inspiration for your movie creation, you say it is pure love. Sometimes they are opponents who draw their swords to meet each other, sometimes they are hysterical enemies, sometimes they are companions facing film critics together, and sometimes they are hunters who grab film material. Forgot to thank me on the stage, but ate my macaroni and cheese under the stage. Destroy...

  • Nadia 2022-03-20 09:02:31

    This kind of remarks tuberculosis films particularly test performance and scheduling. But it seems that these two items are not too prominent. Even though I talked a lot about very movie topics, the movie itself is not so...

  • Rosemary 2022-03-20 09:02:31

    "Marriage Story" made by the movie. Dialogue film, and at least one film-speaking film every year, arrogant filmmakers and inferiority wives, Dialogue stayed in place, and two hours later, there was still no major breakthrough. One more star gives resonance, every conversation is something I have ever had. JDW's hysteria is simply a portrayal of contemporary commercial artists, worthy of being a golden...

  • Saul 2022-03-20 09:02:31

    Take over the baton of last year's "Marriage Story"...

  • Jannie 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    "Malcolm and Mary" screened in black and white allows the audience to see two needs that are constantly changing: the retreat male protagonist pays attention to the satisfaction of spiritual needs, while the pragmatic female protagonist emphasizes the satisfaction of physiological needs. This drama with a pee point as a transition is ultimately the opposite of the movie: in the first act, reason is in the hands of a woman who has given up drugs. Soberness makes her more sexy, and alcohol like...

  • Antonio 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    -0.5 Zendaya really needs more time to develop her...

  • Drake 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    "Extreme Special" from the parallel universe, or a reverse deconstruction of "Extreme", but it is not limited to this. After Kasawitz disassembled the performance and the reality of the two sexes early, the film followed the "first" The footprints of "Night of Acting" gradually enriched my own issues. Levinson and Zandaya, the role background of the heroine, and the creative relationship between the heroine, the behind-the-scenes of "Excitement" may never have been so hysterical, but it also...

Extended Reading

Malcolm & Marie quotes

  • Malcolm: I am *genuinely* sorry, which is why I apologized to you a thousand fucking times during the movie. I mean I felt so guilty, I couldn't even concentrate on the movie.

    Marie: Huh! Well, that's a shame! You've only seen it 7000 times.

  • Marie: You know what, Malcolm? I feel like once you know someone is there for you and once you know they love you, you never actually think of them again.

Malcolm & Marie

Director: Sam Levinson

Language: English Release date: February 5, 2021