Making a Murderer Comments

  • Tatum 2022-09-10 04:48:39

    Depressed. A 23-year-old man who grew up misfits was jailed for rape at the age of 23, and 18 years later DNA proved it was a wrongful case and acquitted the wronged. After his release from prison, he has been applying for state compensation and demanding accountability. But two years later he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, and the evidence of the conviction was full of loopholes, and it was very likely that the police had framed it. Such sensational things are thought to only...

  • Eino 2022-09-08 08:54:04

    I feel like Avery had absolutely no motive for the murder, if it was really wrong, if his parents left first......

  • Malvina 2022-09-06 17:47:29

    Unexpectedly, the development of documentaries can be more exciting than TV series! The courtroom scene is full of tension. The two lawyers are really amazing. The whole incident made people very angry, and some people were even more nauseated and disgusted! Hope to see good news in the...

  • Bernadette 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    American justice is darker than China, and reality is always better than movies. The fact that such movies can be broadcast is the progress of the censorship system. In addition, whether it is the gubernatorial election or the U.S. election in the future, it will be a political selling point that can build...

  • Hester 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    see you in law...

  • Darrell 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    There are unjust cases all over the world, at least steven's case was made into a documentary and aired, giving us a glimmer of...

  • Kayla 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    Jet lag, if you can't sleep, watch it. Amazing. finger crossed for innocent...

  • Lukas 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    Then good luck in such legal justice system. In the first half, I watched the raw meat and the second half finally showed the cooked meat. There are too many details in the court trial. Even with Chinese subtitles, some parts are still a bit difficult. As a serious project, it is really good-looking and worth watching. The social significance is far greater than the textual...