Making a Murderer Comments

  • Cecelia 2023-05-26 02:27:47

    reality! reality! reality! There is a big burden in front, and more and more small burdens are shaking at the end. The ending is really shocking. The reality of the United States is that there are many wrong judgments every year. Steven was not released in the end, revealed the corruption of the judicial system, liked the defense lawyer very much, and overall was better than "The...

  • Diego 2023-05-18 11:17:31

    Netflix's crime documentaries: Making a Murderer, The Simpsons, Oregon Cult, all don't really need any visuals. When the audio can actually sit down and watch it, it feels slow. Amanda and the Guardian are very suitable to watch, probably because there are beautiful young ladies and old...

  • Kaya 2023-05-18 02:38:56

    On the premise that a lot of evidence proves Steven's innocence, the prosecution, the police, the judge, and the FBI all agree that he is the murderer, which shows how terrible and powerful this chain of officials is to protect people and bully people without background. Ordinary people are framed by the police, which is really a shame. The two respectable lawyers tried their best, but still could not change the situation. I really hope that one day I can get steven's innocence. Needless to...

  • Chandler 2023-05-11 23:26:25

    Shocking. At the same time feeling...

  • Dereck 2023-05-07 14:04:56

    I saw the second episode and gave up, I don't like this kind of ambiguous...

  • Zena 2023-04-17 06:57:47

    To be honest, I can't tell who is the good guy and who is the bad...

  • Florence 2023-04-01 07:29:09

    Unqualified documentaries are highly inductive. There are also a lot of empty footage taken near the junkyard, several SA girlfriends who have nothing to do with the case, TV reports of the year, and interviews with passers-by on the jury. These useless materials, I Watching a "unjust case" documentary is to see the objective and rational restoration of the truth, without any emotional factors. Feels like wasted time. (Wrote a long review to record the feelings) There was a tigerking fire in...

  • Precious 2023-03-26 17:13:13

    "How much I wish Steven was guilty, because the thought of Steven being incarcerated twice in a row because of the same system makes me...

  • Jamey 2023-03-09 02:18:58

    Have you ever experienced despair? So shocking and sad. Follow up...

  • Jacinthe 2023-03-05 08:34:58

    The whole documentary is overwhelming, and the real tragedy is even more exciting than the movie. It is really embarrassing. Even if you are in the so-called "ideal country", if you are poor and stupid, you can only pray that your luck is enough. All...