Maggie Comments

  • Michel 2023-06-21 19:29:51

    Looking at this cover, I thought that there would be a more exciting scene, but unfortunately there is neither horror nor action. Basically, it is mainly a description of family affection, which is relatively warm and not suitable for heavy taste...

  • Wyatt 2023-06-21 09:16:02

    I made this Chinese title, and it was actually used. ....

  • Esmeralda 2023-06-19 03:52:02

    ★★☆A soft zombie movie with a literary atmosphere, and by the way, the gimmick setting of Schwarzenegger vs. Zombies has been completed. Are you still not...

  • John 2023-06-06 03:15:04

    A light kiss on the forehead, a light jump, a father's love and a daughter's love are...

  • Kiley 2023-06-06 01:52:44

    It was the kiss that shook the calm mountain. I have felt that I have been abandoned by everyone in the world many times, and only my parents stay by your side....

  • Demarco 2023-06-03 12:19:02

    A zombie drama focusing on family warmth, the rhythm is slow, the narrative is flat, and it is literary. There are also zombie stories with this theme, but there are still relatively few that have been extended to a feature film. It is also an educational film that tells you that long-term pain is worse than short-term...

  • Domenica 2023-05-31 17:18:34

    Literary zombie film, the governor wants to transform, but we still miss the iron-blooded man~ I can't say how bad it is, but unfortunately it's not my thing. Family, family, these, only those who have children can experience it. It's much more convenient to shoot zombie movies since I got US contact...

  • Ethyl 2023-05-21 05:12:14

    Fresh literary style, the real starring is the little beauty of the sun, who is about to become a zombie infected with the virus, the film rhythm is very slow, and the emphasis is on the sadness of parting. Arnold is really old and looks...

  • Coleman 2023-05-14 08:30:56

    fake zombie real...

  • Dock 2023-05-13 09:07:45

    Hospice-themed movie with a zombie...

Extended Reading

Maggie quotes

  • Doctor: Mr. Bowman, I wouldn't normally release someone with this type of infection. I need you to follow the rules here. Quarantine is eight weeks in. She's probably going to show more signs of aggression band hunger. When that happens, say your goodbyes and get her straight into quarantine.

  • Caroline: Wade, please, just call them. It's time now. She has to go in.

    Wade Vogel: What if it was Molly or Bobby?

    Caroline: After everything that we've been through, you still think it's about that? I've loved her like she was my own but she's not her anymore. Wade, please!


Director: Henry Hobson

Language: English Release date: May 8, 2015