Maggie Comments

  • Monroe 2023-09-25 04:16:23

    This zombie movie is quite...

  • Danny 2023-09-22 19:25:13

    Can't the screenwriter make it so fresh? Is the uncle acting so tragic that he will die soon? I always remember the ending of Destroyer, which is heartbreaking....

  • Harley 2023-09-10 21:49:56


  • Justus 2023-09-08 03:41:03

    A boring literary zombie film, I want to take the warm route, but the sleepy rhythm ruins the still interesting shots and tones. The two protagonists couldn't support such a desperate story. How come Abigail Breslin, the little sunshine beauty, has taken on such a gloomy and hard role in recent years? And whenever the Governor sheds a tear, I think it's an eye drop. It's also a tough guy, and Jackie Chan's sensational skills are much...

  • Bernice 2023-08-23 16:44:02

    Infection is a type of narrative style, but Infection has a more compact breakthrough and thriller in time series. This film lacks a little breakthrough and climax, so it falls into a kind of embarrassing situation that is painless. Not bad either, but not great...

  • Rowena 2023-08-22 03:19:32

    The film is very beautiful and unique, and it has a conflicting and hungry aesthetic with the style of the genre film. What's more conflicting is that Schwarzenegger is seriously inconsistent with the temperament of the film, and the rhythm of the film is loose and slow and it is easy to be distracted. Although Little Sunshine has gained a lot of weight, her performance is getting better and...

  • Cecile 2023-08-13 12:24:26

    In the family movie in the zombie coat, there are a few small hooks with tears. But I prefer the "Life After Beth"...

  • Colten 2023-08-11 17:00:30

    Zombie-themed patient...

  • Winona 2023-07-15 18:11:02

    A family film in a zombie coat, if such a subject is handed over to a European (especially Nordic) director to shoot, it will definitely create an atmosphere of cold despair and unforgettable. Some of this film is as boring as terminal patients dragging their dying body to wait for...

  • Alessandro 2023-07-12 01:38:51

    Arnold’s movies can no longer see the big picture, it is a pity that the movie is suppressed from the beginning to the...

Extended Reading

Maggie quotes

  • Doctor: Mr. Bowman, I wouldn't normally release someone with this type of infection. I need you to follow the rules here. Quarantine is eight weeks in. She's probably going to show more signs of aggression band hunger. When that happens, say your goodbyes and get her straight into quarantine.

  • Caroline: Wade, please, just call them. It's time now. She has to go in.

    Wade Vogel: What if it was Molly or Bobby?

    Caroline: After everything that we've been through, you still think it's about that? I've loved her like she was my own but she's not her anymore. Wade, please!