Madea Goes to Jail Comments

  • Makayla 2022-12-10 20:57:32

    6.5, is this CULT film considered...

  • Monte 2022-10-27 19:44:48

    The film is really bad, from casting to acting to costumes and a terrible screenwriter, I hesitated for a long time to give two stars. But it tells us a great fact, we should not complain about what others have done to us, all our current situation is caused by ourselves, learn to forgive, we will be closer to...

  • Noah 2022-10-05 16:13:10

    The speed of his sister's speech is really fast. ....

  • Francis 2022-09-02 01:06:26

    Is there any connection between the old woman and the prostitute? I don’t think there is any connection at...

  • Ephraim 2022-05-09 19:26:35

    The black voice is also...

  • Darion 2022-05-09 17:13:21

    It’s like the composition is...

  • Kale 2022-05-09 17:10:14

    This film really sells dog meat. Tyler Perry's replay is very funny, but there is only a short period of going to jail, and the prostitute has more scenes than her, and in the end he insists on pressing one piece, which is too...

  • Merl 2022-05-09 15:02:26

    It’s not at all what it’s said, it’s totally incomprehensible, I don’t know the so-called, and there is a tendency to despise white...

  • Lacy 2022-05-09 09:25:20

    Hey, I thought this movie was a spoof, but I didn’t expect it to be good. whatever I like Marty’s tooth for...

Extended Reading

Madea Goes to Jail quotes

  • Madea: You're in here going on about what your daddy did to you. Your daddy is out there enjoying his life while you're in prison. You're here because of what YOU did.

  • Candace Washington: What you gonna do? Beat me with your Bible every five minutes like my Grandma did?

    Ellen: First of all I don't know your Grandma, and second of all I don't carry a Bible, it's at home on my mantel.

    Donna: Don't need to carry it when you know every word of it.

    Ellen: You should know it.