Macbeth Comments

  • Greyson 2022-09-28 13:17:25

    Macbeth and his wife, who seem so pure and weak, are just right for such a casting. A very clean "Macbeth", but some passages are extremely bloody and cruel. The fantasy part was...

  • Tyra 2022-09-25 04:45:35

    4.5; Shakespearean settings and motifs are a perfect incubator for Polanski's hallmark power plays; original and...

  • Dagmar 2022-09-24 03:03:52

    Polanski can really get under your...

  • Giles 2022-09-05 23:40:24

    It's a very traditional interpretation. Between the original lines, the picture is full of wonderful ideas, and I want to fall on the face of the 2015 version every minute: Look, this is called filming! No matter how dark and bloody Macbeth is, it's not out of line. Jon Finch is so beautiful, and an innate sense of justice. . Madam is so beautiful. Martin Xiao Mengmeng. The more interesting movie is to squeeze the unrelated little characters of the original into one, and also give some...

  • Marcelle 2022-09-05 22:24:48

    The mysterious, evil, bloody and violent, all kinds of atmospheres are especially well rendered, which is the story itself. . . . It may have been known to women and children for a long time, so it is boring. It is known from the autobiography that Bird has no drama to film at this time. This film is just to make ends meet, and he is still recovering from the loss of his beloved wife. At the end of the film, Playboy's sponsorship logo appeared impressively, but it attracted a lot of ridicule....

  • Vincenzo 2022-09-05 17:41:24

    It's not as brutal as I imagined, but the dark and oppressive atmosphere is always lingering. The two scenes of the illusion in the mirror and the cave witch are very strange and wonderful. The world knows Macbeth's ugly face, and Polanski sees it in Macbeth. What you get is the primitive impulse to be filled with desire and unable to control yourself. At the beginning, the witch gathers on the beach and buries the severed hand holding the...

  • Elenora 2022-09-05 12:31:05

    At the beginning of SIFF2016, a broken hand swears that this is a different "Macbeth". Polanski's adaptation is quite successful. Even if it is preconceived because of the extremely gorgeous new version, I will not feel that there is any visual deficiency in this film. There is even a cult-like look in the design of some scenes, which is a reasonable match with Shakespeare's text, and the loop design at the beginning and end adds the deep meaning of reincarnation fables to the...

  • Antwan 2022-09-05 09:46:36

    The adaptation is very faithful to the original. The fighting scene is really like a dance. Of course, the plasma head is not only for sensory stimulation, but watching the endless Timmanson case is really annoying. As well as the fact that he was not present when Polanski's mother died in the concentration camp and did not reproduce the...

Extended Reading

Macbeth quotes

  • Macbeth: My name's Macbeth!

    Young Siward: The devil himself could not pronounce a title more hateful to mine ear.

  • Macbeth: I will not yield, To kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet, And to be baited with the rabble's curse. Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane, And thou oppos'd, being of no woman born, Yet I will try the last. Lay on, Macduff; And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!"


Director: Roman Polanski

Language: English Release date: December 25, 1971