Grace 2022-10-05 18:21:18
Generally, I basically don’t like people talking to themselves in the...
Fay 2022-10-05 17:14:15
Melissa's last sitting, I think, she still succumbed to life. There are too many contradictions in life and family. But we still have to live, all belong to the same family. In life, people who come together because of love are faced with various difficulties. Love that shouldn't be loved anymore, but can't love the one that should be loved. A very small film, but it made me think deeply about the subject, how should I love, and how should I...
Lymelife Comments
Extended Reading
Scott Bartlett: What did you hear?
Adrianna Bragg: I heard you fingered me and it was like the inside of a jelly donut. Uch, Scott, that is so disgusting!
Scott Bartlett: So are we really going to like do it?
Adrianna Bragg: Do you really think we should talk about it?