Lulu the Tool Comments

  • Pinkie 2022-12-05 13:10:23

    Massa's fate shows two different voices that appeared in the Italian workers' revolution at that time. The leftists represented by the students were idealists, but ignored the real needs of the workers. The workers worked for the old system and were accused of being machines. Not a revolutionary tool? They are just a group of confused people surrounded by the times and reality. There is no difference between inside and outside the madhouse. According to the diagnosis of the psychiatrist, Massa...

  • Presley 2022-11-23 10:23:57

    After two hours of fiddling, I still can't find the subtitle version, so I gave...

  • Delia 2022-11-16 20:04:35

    Seemingly emotionally cluttered, he is actually very clear-headed. For a hundred years, the worker group has been repeatedly manipulated by ideology and turned into a tool of political struggle, struggling in the gap between the conflict of opposition and its own survival, and the working class going to heaven has become a joke in the production line while mechanical labor. At the beginning of the film, the scene where the workers enter the venue silently accompanied by the mournful slogans of...

  • Creola 2022-11-14 03:37:56

    One of the common problems of Italian cinema in the 1960s and 1970s was that it was loud and loud. The storyline could have...

  • Peyton 2022-11-02 01:12:47

    No matter how loud the slogan is, its ultimate purpose is to make profit. The working class has always been the stepping stone and victim of political struggle, and has never really achieved...

  • Llewellyn 2022-10-30 12:29:02

    Although I can't say that I am confused, but it is indeed paradoxical and misunderstood. In the film, the workers are on strike to fight for their rights, but it is said that there are students who instigate left-wing struggles. Why can't I see which groups are students? Almost from the beginning to the end of the film, several people or a group of people are yelling and making noise; when there is only one person, he is also talking to himself and babbling; Nah, the movie is annoyingly noisy...

  • Sigmund 2022-10-27 01:10:53

    It's so refreshing to watch such a superb and clear left stick movie where every detail is down to earth. A far-left people's performance artist is so handsome that it's the same year as Il caso Mattei, and this is a must-see for Milan fans...

  • Emilie 2022-10-25 06:08:10

    Une satire de choc sur un sujet corrosif mais qui vire peu à peu à l'extrême et finit par nous fatiguer et...

  • Samson 2022-10-11 23:09:07

    Watching it makes me extremely irritable and depressed, and every close-up shot of the juxtaposition of the human body and the machine makes me strongly disturbed and fearful: the harmonious coexistence between human and machine like the factory broadcast propaganda is impossible, it can only be used by one party. Anger manipulates the other, or one ruthlessly cuts off the other's fingers. The strike is victorious, and the protagonist, despite losing his finger, regains his job and even his...

  • Christian 2022-10-11 13:21:04

    French film critic Gaston Horst: First, it more realistically expresses the life and working environment of the workers; second, the film more accurately expresses the temperament of the workers (such as revolutionary courage and clumsiness, trade union workers' attitude towards the general population). The contempt of workers, etc.); thirdly, the film more accurately shows the psychological state of the protagonist, and the author skillfully shows his actual psychological activities and the...

Extended Reading

Lulu the Tool quotes

  • Lulù Massa: I'm gonna speak now. I don't know how to call you: gentlemen, workers, friends, comrades... I'm gonna speak on the mic. The students out there, say that when we enter is dark and when we exit is dark another time. What kind of life is it? This is routing, but since we are here, why don't we do twice task-work, working in Sundays too, we can enter in the night, with our children and our women. The children works there. And our women put the food in our mouth, so we can work twice, keep running and on and on, for some lire more, and live our life here, working till death. And we'll leave this hell to go to another hell...

  • Lulù Massa: I supported the task-work. Followed the politics of the union. I worked for productivity and I was working, and keeping with the production. And now I transformed myself into a beast, a beast, a real beast! And the students say we are like machines... they say that I'm a machine, a pulley, a screw, a piston rod, a transmission belt, they say that I'm a pump, a broken pump and there's no way to repair that pump. I suggest to stop working right now. All. And who does not stop to work right now is a scab and a fucking asshole!