Loving Comments

  • Andrew 2022-06-18 20:41:12

    There is no heroic narrative, no deification of history, but a de-dramatic and de-ideological way to tell the daily life of the couple in need and suffering, shrouded in the shadow of racial persecution; it is precisely the love that continues in this daily life. (loving) is the human foundation on which the High Court Act lays the foundation, and it is also the solution of this...

  • Ulises 2022-06-18 20:13:14

    If you are familiar with Nichols's previous works, you will definitely be very comfortable with his seemingly lukewarm shooting method. He is a conservative person in his bones, and he most agrees with the traditional family view, but this time he happened to encounter the subject of interracial marriage, but he still talks about it according to his own routine. But for this subject, I think it exists regardless of whether the protagonist has clearly stated the social significance of his case....

  • Izabella 2022-06-18 17:39:29

    No aura, but I was deeply moved by the photo at the...

  • Vincenzo 2022-06-18 16:30:30

    I think Ken Loach should watch this scene on his knees 10 times, and teach me how to make a left-wing theme movie. There is an epic style, which is very touching, but it is actually the same. The script is neat, but lacking in talent. The only touching point of the whole film is the line: He took care of...

Extended Reading

Loving quotes

  • Richard Loving: [from trailer] Tell the judge I love my wife.

  • [first lines]

    Mildred: I'm pregnant.

    Richard Loving: [long pause] Good. That's good.


Director: Jeff Nichols

Language: English Release date: November 4, 2016

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