Loving Comments

  • Dovie 2022-12-14 22:10:33

    Edgerton is really a good actor, not handsome, but there is no trace of acting. The action of laying bricks, the posture of walking, minute by minute are all real living in this world. Many details of life enrich this environment a lot. This kind of forbearance in adversity is more real and moving than...

  • Dave 2022-12-10 07:02:03

    In a series of racial issue films, this one is the most...

  • Abelardo 2022-11-06 06:15:23

    From the theme to the method, the awards are very seasonal, Joel Edgerton may be nominated for a leading actor, and Michael Shannon is again soy...

  • Sigurd 2022-11-04 12:30:39

    One small step for a mortal man can be one giant leap for history. Today, when political correctness is repeatedly discussed, the director did not deliberately magnify the affirmative action and racial conflicts of that era, but calmly showed the Loving couple's good resistance with a euphemistic rhythm. Let the audience feel that what really makes them fight is more of their great love. Joel and Ruth's performances are well-rounded, not overstretched, only...

  • Elaina 2022-11-02 23:24:49

    As a main theme film, Nichols did the opposite. Instead of deliberately exaggerating the specific historical significance of the case, he focused on the ordinary life of the two, which was more able to touch the audience. It seems to be warm, but it is a clear stream among the pretentious theme films of the awards...

  • Hermina 2022-11-01 09:23:40

    72/100 is leftist but focuses on narrating the attachment relationship between the male and female protagonists. All other materials have been handled very concisely, and the purpose of highlighting the theme "love conquers everything" is obvious. Edge's Oscar moment was when a lawyer asked him what he wanted to say to the Supreme Court, and he said, "Tell them I love my wife." Ruth plays a restrained housewife, limited by the story, emotionally in place but limited in layers. The music is...

  • Joanny 2022-09-20 07:58:02

    How a broken director can save a broken screenwriter. ....

  • Arden 2022-09-18 09:40:10

    Fortunately, there is no fanfare and sensationalism, and all possible dramatic conflict flashpoints have been erased, and even the little heart-piercing touch at the end has been carefully filmed, restoring the truest appearance of love and ordinary life. Looking at it from two aspects, on the one hand, it is simple and calm, on the other hand, it is a bit contrived. Fortunately, the love thing was...

  • Mortimer 2022-09-15 15:42:41

    Life is not that complicated, love is all you can do, if you don't love it is to find 10,000 excuses and not do it. As NJ said yesterday, there were a lot of reasons to come here, but now, it doesn't seem to be...

  • Reginald 2022-06-18 23:51:44

    4.5 Stable Nichols, the script avoids the depiction of historical moments and socio-political discussions, there is no heart-wrenching emotional catharsis in the performance, and the camera rejects any fancy and distracting techniques. All film language is reserved for this ordinary but special love and marriage, which is also the most perfect explanation of the struggle of different groups of people for this "natural right" for half a century. Oscar...

Extended Reading

Loving quotes

  • Richard Loving: [from trailer] Tell the judge I love my wife.

  • [first lines]

    Mildred: I'm pregnant.

    Richard Loving: [long pause] Good. That's good.