Lost and Delirious Comments

  • Theron 2022-06-21 08:52:49

    There are pp and mb that I like, mb really amazed me at that time, and it was cute when I was a child~ the oc felt a little too...

  • Shakira 2022-06-21 08:42:05

    A "bird's eye view" of a violent gay sex from a third-person perspective. If you say that Mary's character is meaningless, you may not understand it. Mary is the protagonist of the film, and the bird that has grown from the incomplete to the high-flying is the projection of her emotional growth. Roaring Polaroid acts as a feeder, acting as an external factor that awakens the anger within her. In the end, Polaroid did not become her own bird of prey, she stayed in anger, and it was Mary who...

Extended Reading

Lost and Delirious quotes

  • Cordelia: [Tori ignores Paulie's beckoning to her and Mouse and sits with Cordelia and Kara, and Mouse continues to Paulie's table]

    [to Tori]

    Cordelia: So... how are you?

    Tori: First of all, whatever they're saying is trash talk. Stupid. I know you guys won't listen to it.

    Cordelia: Of course not. God, I mean, even if it was true, I'd still be like, "So? Grow up."

    Tori: But it's not true.

    Cordelia: I mean, like, my aunt is gay. Like, get over it.

    Tori: Yeah, but I'm not. Totally. So...

    Cordelia: No, I know.

    Mouse: [She and Paulie have overheard the conversation] She's upset. Give her time.

    Paulie: Bedford, this is a dark day.

  • Fay Vaughn: Paulie, you looked like you were involved with the piece.

    Paulie: Actually, I was just thinking whether the Jays were gonna take the World Series again.

    Fay Vaughn: I don't believe you, Paulie. I saw you listening.

    Paulie: You can go fuck yourself sideways.

    [storms out of the classroom]