Lost and Delirious Comments

  • Deontae 2023-04-15 02:52:54

    I know you used to be so intense. But this excited you was dead when you jumped, and all the passion flew away with the eagle. You are special to...

  • Opal 2023-03-13 06:59:30

    Misha was cute when she was a child, but now she's a little melon. Piper's character is the protagonist, right? Paulie is too flamboyant, too strong, and Jin is just folded. Paulie's personality is captivating, fearless and brave. Tori is very ordinary, love, family and friendship make up your life. Indeed, love will not be the whole of your life, but who wants to erase love? Who wants to live without...

  • Tara 2023-02-19 12:20:11

    It felt like it was done to the...

  • Damaris 2023-02-16 00:37:06

    Mischa Barton is so beautiful! Perabo is an iron T... The first thing I did after watching the film was to find out the relationship between the four corners and watch it again......

  • Tamia 2023-02-10 17:40:08

    The original novel Mary is the protagonist. From her perspective, the content discussed is relatively deep, gender issues and stereotypes, gender identity and sexual orientation, the oppressive environment of the age, etc. After the adaptation, the focus is on the homosexuality of the two roommates. The balance is not good enough. After choosing the content, the results of the film are less profound and more in-depth. It was a little disturbing to watch, and I watched it in the last 40...

  • Rebeka 2023-01-12 16:24:28

    Pure listening without subtitles is really annoying. . Mischa was so pure at that time, and piper was such a man....

  • Irving 2023-01-04 20:22:17

    I fell in love with Piper Perabo unknowingly and made me...

  • Celestine 2022-12-20 14:00:40

    Pauline&Victoria. Actually it has nothing to do with V, it has nothing to do with the boy, it has nothing to do with P's lack of love growing up. Her karma is so strong and her love is too heavy. raptor, Macbeth, swordsmanship—P lives in his own heroic dreams. The background of adolescence in boarding high school makes love and hate life and death more like child's play. Even so, seeing her resolutely committing suicide is still moving, because how much empathy is on the side of...

  • Tyrel 2022-11-28 03:24:54

    The best gay sex I've seen, it's very shocking, the soundtrack, the plot, and the characterizations are all right. Unleash my feminine weakness, and pour the most wicked cruelty into my body from head to toe; congeal my blood, let not pity penetrate into my heart, and let not the pity of nature shake my vicious resolve! ps ask for an...

  • Bartholome 2022-10-29 09:00:33

    I haven't watched DVD-5 before or forgot to mark it, download it from the online disk and watch it again, "I'm not Lesbian" (Lesbian: English gay voice) The respective growth stories of three girls' school...

Extended Reading

Lost and Delirious quotes

  • Cordelia: [Tori ignores Paulie's beckoning to her and Mouse and sits with Cordelia and Kara, and Mouse continues to Paulie's table]

    [to Tori]

    Cordelia: So... how are you?

    Tori: First of all, whatever they're saying is trash talk. Stupid. I know you guys won't listen to it.

    Cordelia: Of course not. God, I mean, even if it was true, I'd still be like, "So? Grow up."

    Tori: But it's not true.

    Cordelia: I mean, like, my aunt is gay. Like, get over it.

    Tori: Yeah, but I'm not. Totally. So...

    Cordelia: No, I know.

    Mouse: [She and Paulie have overheard the conversation] She's upset. Give her time.

    Paulie: Bedford, this is a dark day.

  • Fay Vaughn: Paulie, you looked like you were involved with the piece.

    Paulie: Actually, I was just thinking whether the Jays were gonna take the World Series again.

    Fay Vaughn: I don't believe you, Paulie. I saw you listening.

    Paulie: You can go fuck yourself sideways.

    [storms out of the classroom]