Looking Glass Comments

  • Elmo 2023-09-26 06:11:35

    Cage's acting skills are still online, why do you always make films with bad...

  • Troy 2023-09-25 00:37:16

    What happened to Cage, is it just a national treasure? ? ? Pirates of the Caribbean were his little brothers back...

  • Allison 2023-09-07 17:28:32

    The tone and feel at the beginning of the movie are very retro, and I continued to watch it with anticipation. I didn’t expect the feature film to be so bland, no eroticism, no thriller, no suspense. Such a mediocre story is really just how I want to shoot it. It is illogical, digging holes and not filling it. The only use is to make me turn the pain of lovelorn into anger at this film and cure my...

  • Gregorio 2023-09-06 15:32:01

    Similar to another motel movie, much less content. Uncle Cage accepts any bad...

  • Alexandrine 2023-09-01 19:34:12

    From the number of comments, it can be seen that King Nigu is completely playful and no one is...

  • Zechariah 2023-09-01 04:30:01

    2018 is over! ! ! ! There's a movie of this level

  • Elsa 2023-08-31 19:44:41

    Uncle Cage and his wife lost their beloved daughter. They left sadly and went to a strange town to take over the operation of a motel. However, the police in the town and the surrounding neighbors are always weird. It turns out that there are some secrets in the...

  • Lew 2023-08-04 21:25:17

    very boring. The female and female SM is the highlight, but there are too few pictures and the scale is too...

  • Dolores 2023-07-30 01:19:00

    Holding a face-changing CAGE and petting CAGE for a lifetime, he has always been patient to watch him continue to challenge the lower limit of bad...

  • Enos 2023-07-24 15:03:31

    Is a bad movie bad actors or bad...

Extended Reading

Looking Glass quotes

  • Ray: Back up! Back the fuck up! Back up!

  • Ray: Stay the fuck away from my motel!