Looking for Richard Comments

  • Myron 2023-04-15 09:43:25

    AL's obsession with drama has never diminished. Despite his outstanding achievements in the film field, AL has also performed the works of many writers including Shakespeare on the theatrical stage, saying that most outstanding film actors come from the theatrical stage. , this is not true at all. I have seen "Wilde's Salome" earlier, and this film "Searching for Richard III" has the same effect as it does. It is both a documentary and a drama, which is very...

  • Rachelle 2023-04-14 18:28:47

    The few scenes in this documentary are very good, and the process of trying to sort out the logic and emotion of this drama is also very interesting, but unfortunately I didn’t give a complete understanding in the...

  • Ward 2023-04-08 14:58:56

    I can't stand this kind of god-like narrative, a neurotic...

  • Crystel 2023-03-26 15:20:35

    The starting point is very good, starting from the most basic questions to dissect "Richard III", which is popular for those who don't know the play and Shakespeare, but also has its own unique interpretation and...

  • Laney 2023-03-19 09:48:07

    The film directed by Al Pacino contains Appa's sincerity and homage to Shakespeare. The most important thing is to see Al Pacino's passion for the things he loves, and that passion is the essence of life, and it's...

  • Aaliyah 2022-12-31 15:24:31

    The film consists of three parts: stage play, rehearsal, and exploration, which are combined extremely smoothly and naturally, telling the story of "Richard III" clearly and thoroughly. I think this is Pacino's best gift to...

  • Brady 2022-12-09 22:39:45

    I'm wondering why this documentary doesn't even get a hit... Pacino's '97 version of Richard is really a star, and Winona Ryder and Spacey. This film is still helpful for literacy, and Papa's acting skills are nothing to say. FUN FACT: The crew was filming on the side of the road. The police came and said that you need a permit. Papa raised his eyebrows: "Do I still need a...

  • Dee 2022-12-05 15:53:39

    Documentaries are neither good nor...

  • Zita 2022-10-24 16:03:53

    Half-documentary and half-dramatic, Pacino intends to melt the ice of Shakespeare's poor promotion in the United States: Old English poses a psychological barrier to both audience understanding and actor interpretation. The record shows him finding and understanding the lost soul of Richard III behind the elusive lines. Spacey is amazing, Baldwin is brilliant, and Pacino shines with "Devil's Advocate"-like...

  • Doris 2022-10-23 21:10:35

    If you can pay more attention to the details of the costumes and props, it will be better. Especially the pair of pearl earrings of the queen, it will take her own...

Extended Reading

Looking for Richard quotes

  • Lady Anne: To take is not to give.

  • Richard III: I'll have her, but I will not keep her long.

Looking for Richard

Director: Al Pacino

Language: English Release date: October 11, 1996