Lizzie Comments

  • Newell 2022-07-20 20:52:26

    Oh my god! I deleted it after reading half of it, and when it was still in the boat show, I couldn't stand it any longer. Never before has a movie made me so impatient to lose all my patience. KS is the face of a young lady, what kind of maid? Her looks are too fashionable and modern, and what about her acting skills? ! I really appreciate...

  • Alexandria 2022-07-20 19:43:36

    The picture is very good, the author fills the backstage of this long-running suspense story with his own imagination... The portrayal of the heroine's depressed psychology is still very rich! just a little...

  • Ole 2022-07-20 18:49:29

    Choosing Chloë Sevigny to play the heroine was the biggest mistake, followed by Kstew, the former has neither fragile nerves but fierce and delicate and alternative beauty temperament, I can think of the most suitable candidate image is Lao Lei's "Blade Runner", charming and cold-blooded The replicator of Rachel Sean Young. Kstew is not a weak and forbidding temperament at all, but he is eager to be tough. The only thing that fits is the Ji Qi on his body. In addition to the casting, the...

  • Kallie 2022-07-20 17:09:57

    Sundance 2018 SLC Grand Theatre. Twilight Girl's acting skills have taken away a whole star. The hostess broke back half of it again. Adapting historical stories to endorse contemporary mainstream feminist politics, cleverly adapting to the times and slightly...

Extended Reading

Lizzie quotes

  • Bridget Sullivan: What was I to you? I don't know who you are.

    Lizzie Borden: Were you better off before? Is that it?

  • Bridget Sullivan: You're dreaming.

    Bridget Sullivan: You're just dreaming.

    Bridget Sullivan: You don't see it. You can't see it.

    Lizzie Borden: See what?

    Bridget Sullivan: We live in this world,

    Bridget Sullivan: and not another.

    Bridget Sullivan: This one right here.

    Lizzie Borden: I know.


Director: Craig William Macneill

Language: English Release date: September 14, 2018