Little England Comments

  • Bethany 2023-03-24 23:18:31

    The story of three men and three women's bloody Qiongyao was made into a masterpiece by the director's restrained technique. The scene was a mess. "My love, Spiros, my love, Spiros", my sister did a great job 160min , what I found is 152min, Tencent video is 128min, the subtitles are not very good, so I looked at Tencent video, except for a few nude shots, I really don't understand why they should be deleted. . . Shanghai International Film Festival, best film, best director, best actress,...

  • Angeline 2023-03-15 16:01:03

    In life, what you lose is far more valuable than what you have. What you have will be lost again one day. And what you lost is always...

  • Godfrey 2022-12-25 07:31:22

    A beautiful, slow and lukewarm film, Osha's life was worth so much time. The longing and waiting for the lover, the sea-like silence, forbearance and despair, and finally the catharsis and explosion of the sisters' emotions, the film's handling of emotions is extremely detailed, and the lens language is beautiful to the extreme. The heroine's acting is really...

  • Annabelle 2022-11-18 23:03:22

    The background of the film is full of depression and despair just like the plot. Feeling very...

  • Kasey 2022-11-05 06:39:50

    My favorite of the four films I've seen so far. The consulate of the Greek consulate gave me a ticket before the screening, and told me in Chinese that this was the No. 1 director of Greece after Angelopoulos. The heroine is beautiful, and the heart-piercing roar is unforgettable. "Spiros, My Beloved; Spiros, My...

  • Shannon 2022-10-25 17:19:15

    A female-themed film, but still see those women left behind from the perspective of patriarchy. They are still watching the men who go to sea, guarding love, family and children, and ultimately they have not moved towards the awakening of feminism or consciousness. It is the kind of aesthetic love under the patriarchal consciousness. Women die because of loyalty and despair. Ignoring the tragedy of the era of World War II, it is a pity that the perspective of the story is too traditional and...

  • Ceasar 2022-10-25 16:44:29

    #SIFF2014# Three and a half stars; the picture is clear and beautiful, the rhythm is dull, the plot is a little bloody, I hate two women fighting for a man (especially sisters), but luckily the heroine is a typical classical beauty, and the scene of scooping the sea with a rusty spoon is poignant; listening to the upstairs late at night How cruel the voice is, since the male protagonist loves her so much, how can he bear to torture her so cruelly day and night? There is still something that...

  • Casey 2022-10-25 16:25:53

    I just feel that a man is bent on death after death, why did he marry another man so easily...

  • Damion 2022-10-25 16:08:13

    The heroine paced quietly beside the waves, her sad state of mind was silent. Very popular story, the heroine acted very...

  • Roslyn 2022-10-25 11:24:41

    3.6. A Greek woman's maritime history, where the obsession with close-up and delicate framing makes the war years an ethereal backdrop, which is also where it loses points. The women's performances can be given full marks, and the two scenes of the heroine's roaring and crying are enough to impress us. But this film is not yet in the ranks of great films, because the tragedy in it, although powerless, is the result of the influence of individual factors, not the inescapable tragic force of...

Extended Reading

Little England quotes

  • Orsa Saltaferou: [subtitled version] I wanted to love. To love a lot. To love forever.

  • Orsa Saltaferou: [subtitled version] In life again, more worthy are these that you lose than the ones you find. These that you find are lost again. These that you lost exist forever.