Miles 2023-09-30 03:35:45
From the beginning to the end, it is not a literary film but an ethical film. So you must not be a housewife, you must have something to do! ! Including men. What does the other line mean? Just want to give the male and female lead a reason not to elope or is family...
Alphonso 2023-08-29 08:11:29
In the last 15 minutes, the emotions have been squeezed to the point of exploding, just waiting for the blood to splash into the sky, the tragedy in the world, the loss of life, who knows, who knows, who knows, but gently put it down and a happy ending! So convinced! ! ! Everyone got what they thought was right and returned to a peaceful life... It seems that the boredom, boredom and boredom that puzzled their emotions before all disappeared in a second! How ridiculous! A child indeed! The...
Missouri 2023-08-19 20:47:56
Growing up is just a progress and never finished why is Brad so...
Paolo 2023-08-07 15:41:00
you couldn't change the past, but the future can be a different story. it just had to start...
Mazie 2023-06-13 12:14:27
The first third is not bad ~ the back is...
Hortense 2023-06-12 06:33:26
"You couldn't change the past, but the future could be a different...
Amparo 2023-06-02 03:31:15
You can't change the past, but the future is a different...
Ron 2023-04-29 06:17:04
Madonna 2023-04-25 00:24:28
You can't change the past but you can write a new chapter for the future~ and it all starts...
Ariel 2023-04-11 00:34:38
It seems that the police are the...
Little Children Comments
Narrator: Sexual tension is an elusive thing, but Kathy had pretty good radar for it. It was like someone had turned a knob to the right, and the radio station clicked in so loud and clear it almost knocked her over. Once she became aware of the connection between them, it seemed impossible that she'd missed it before.
Brad Adamson: [talking about his wife] She makes documentaries.
Sarah Pierce: Oh, like Michael Moore?
Brad Adamson: Like PBS.