Listen to Me Marlon Comments

  • Carleton 2022-09-14 16:44:52

    The voice is too good to listen to, too handsome when I was young, this is a story about a complete personality, there is confusion and...

  • Kaya 2022-09-14 14:56:44

    I'm so touched, goosebumps all over, watching crying many times... a great person. The sincerity and attraction in his voice made people willingly follow him into his pain. Maybe this is the charm of actors. The letter from the audience in the middle was very touching and made me want to start something. If this world is a thousand people, how boring should it become? Thank you for your existence, thank you for your loyalty to...

  • Madisen 2022-09-14 13:26:26

    Even with Brando's original recording, this is still a running account biographical documentary, and there is no new material, basically fried rice. ....

  • Florida 2022-09-10 06:35:24

    a most intelligent and destructive figure of a whole...

  • Lynn 2022-08-20 04:40:16

    Surprised by its sensitivity. A lifetime of glitz is nothing but a struggle with regrets before the age of...

  • Louisa 2022-06-12 22:12:45

    The most legendary in film history is the greatest actor, not even one of them. After watching this documentary, you will find that after removing the infinite halo on his body, he is actually so lonely. In other words, great actors are lonely, and Ma Long,...

  • Marianna 2022-06-12 21:14:16

    From the coffin six feet below, Marlon Brando confided to the world for 100 minutes. This great actor who failed to achieve something commensurate with his talents wrote an epitaph for himself in [Ma Long listen to me]. For this person whose exit becomes a poetry, the film creates a meditative atmosphere, but the narrative is too clear. Lies and truth, life and performance should be the themes of his life, and he seems to have finally made...

  • Davon 2022-06-12 19:34:51

    Most of the voices in the film come from the hypnotized Malone, the others are interviews. I really love him... I'm crying. Such a complicated humanity, yet so innocent. The relationship between the sexes is romantic, politically just, and respectful of professionalism (a bit mixed in his later years). For performances, Ma Long is very thoughtful and has a complete philosophical system. Of course, he studied with a good acting teacher....

  • Tamara 2022-06-12 18:53:22

    It is said that Marlon Brando is a legend, but he can't tell where the legend is. In fact, he is just an ordinary person, who will also experience the pain of life, but his life is worthy of praise and praise. I especially like the "Godfather" clip at the end of the film-the most brilliant and wonderful life will eventually be handed over to the god of death. Of course, he is Marlon Brando. He took his life and left his voice. It's great to listen to...

  • Ally 2022-06-12 16:07:44

    Private recording materials are precious. When an adult student reviews prose, it is the same as listening to excerpts of famous quotes instead of entire interviews. The fragments of the discourse are out of context and you can only trust the director's placement. The cruelest thing in life is that Tahiti, which considers itself a simple paradise, has not raised a pair of spirited...

Extended Reading

Listen to Me Marlon quotes

  • Marlon Brando, Himself: Be surprising. Figure out a way to do what has never been done before.

  • Marlon Brando, Himself: Damn, damn, damn, damn. When it's right, it's right! You can feel it in your bones. Then you feel whole. Then you feel good.