Listen to Me Marlon Comments

  • Emanuel 2022-12-27 19:19:41

    He complained about a lot of movies and well-known actors, he refused to accept the Oscar, he said that the movie is a deception, and also said that the chicken and the brain are separated. He is rebellious and brilliant, and his flaws are as clear as his strengths. He is the most stylish guy in the world of handsome guys, and he spends his whole life just to be true to...

  • Mariela 2022-12-10 22:16:47

    The format of this documentary is still very new. Marlon Brando is indeed a great...

  • Crystel 2022-11-30 00:21:48

    drift like a cloud in the...

  • Rigoberto 2022-11-25 03:38:50

    Private life is chaotic, pursuit of equality among humans for blacks and Indians, no one is perfect, sleep...

  • Elyse 2022-11-15 19:05:48

    It turns out that Brando's mate selection criteria are based on the nanny who gave him a great sense of security before the age of 7. No wonder several wives are of that type. But later, I read the biography written by his last wife. I think this is really a psychological disability caused by family trauma since childhood, and even passed it on to his children. His daughter who committed suicide was born in a test tube. He loves no one but only loves. own selfish ghost. It is worthy of the...

  • Caitlyn 2022-11-12 21:47:40

    It was attractive enough from the beginning. Through the countless recordings and video materials of Ma Long before his death, he completed the outline of the life of the movie superstar. The two highs and the lows in between are already highly discussed, and there are so many things about his private life. Questions about race. Through this film, all the controversies that existed during his lifetime have been settled, and like MJ, he is a character worthy of recognition. Such performance...

  • Jimmie 2022-11-10 00:33:08

    Comparing self-reported biopics...with personal autobiographical descriptions, there may be a lack of objectivity. He said: When he first became famous, women flocked to him. His JJ has his own will, and he can't control his JJ at all. After getting married, a few months later, his wife found out that he was cheating. This should be maddened by feminists, right? Such a mess......

  • Sonia 2022-11-05 17:28:54

    A wasted opportunity, basically talking about the movies he made and some well-known things. Brando has so many phone calls and private recordings, cutting out these few words makes it feel like the director is "manipulating" Brando. It can only be said that the recording is very precious, and the video is quite...

  • Grayce 2022-10-10 10:37:10

    Watch the Blu-ray disc, high quality. Unfortunately, I am not in the same era as him. Therefore, he is irreplaceable. The voice is very nice, and life is much more exciting than the drama. And he's also an amateur boxer! As expected of a male god, as I am also in boxing class, I am very...

  • Elias 2022-10-08 10:06:11

    You can put the sense of hearing to the largest documentary. Listening to Marlon Brando quietly talk about it for an hour and a half, like traveling through a tunnel of time, running back and forth in countless Hollywood historical images. This is an overly complicated great man, even if we know his rebellion, his loneliness, his love affairs, his family history, he is still mysterious and elusive. Ma Long, listen to...

Extended Reading

Listen to Me Marlon quotes

  • Marlon Brando, Himself: Be surprising. Figure out a way to do what has never been done before.

  • Marlon Brando, Himself: Damn, damn, damn, damn. When it's right, it's right! You can feel it in your bones. Then you feel whole. Then you feel good.