Line of Duty Comments

  • Sonia 2023-05-15 08:25:37

    Celery 133. I don't think it's as good as it sounds? Continue to observe the following...

  • Arden 2023-05-15 04:24:33

    The British dramas I watched recently, I don't know if they are promoting values ​​or what, they are all related to extramarital affairs. In the play, looking for a mistress is a very scary thing. Sooner or later, you will be killed by mistress~ So don't have an affair? The script is very strong, the logic is super clear, and the rhythm is fast. You can say byebye with other movies of the same...

  • Caitlyn 2023-05-14 22:18:17

    It's a pity to end it hastily. If it can be spread out a little more, it may be able to reach one-third of the level of "The...

  • Heath 2023-05-13 22:08:53

    The quality of the first season was only average on the BBC. Let's take a look at the second season, the legendary best BBC drama in...

  • Katrine 2023-05-11 14:39:51

    Gates are dead for...

  • Alexa 2023-05-10 14:54:43

    I usually don’t want to watch the first episode, especially I don’t like the black man, but he still seems to be the protagonist. . But let me finish watching two episodes. I didn't expect the second episode to change my outlook, and I'm addicted to watching it. . Therefore, if you want to abandon the drama, you must watch at least four episodes before abandoning it....

  • Idell 2023-04-24 04:46:49

    1. What a classic No. 9 secret method; control strategy When the crime rate and the resolution rate do not match, you can still not file a case. As always, it is really miserable with Mr. Muddy. 2. That’s how the boss of laddering Tony has risen; 2012 In the UK in 2008, there is still such a South African drug lord-like operation to hang and show the public 3. How can you also engage in this kind of group bullying in the workplace? Oh yo, the black under the lights is indeed dci 4-5, golf club,...

  • Shawna 2023-04-20 16:01:32

    After watching the whole season, I still feel a little sad. Speaking of this guy. . . how to say. . . At first I thought he was a gentle person, but after seeing him forcing Lao Hei to have a tough side, how did he change after being saved by Lao Hei? ? I really can't understand it. The last recording of Lao Hei is a bit of a mechanical seance. As a human being, no matter what, it is always wrong to tell the truth, this heroine is still quite disgusting. Personal evaluation:...

  • Melyssa 2023-04-04 00:56:19

    The BBC still likes to discuss the bugs in this system. The real BOSS does not exist, so in the end, no one will pay for crimes and mistakes. PS: The male pig's feet of Sweet Sixteen are here, but the ones from 1984 look a lot...

  • Armando 2023-04-01 00:20:22

    The plot is straightforward, not as twisty and suspenseful as in the next few seasons, but the character of Gates is very well shaped. I feel that Jed Mercurio is still better at writing this kind of straight-line plot. In the next few seasons, I always write myself dizzy after playing the reverse, although there are bugs when I think about it. But still very...