Like Water for Chocolate Comments

  • Alexzander 2022-04-24 07:01:18

    Very good novels and movies...Maybe due to technical...

  • Enola 2022-04-24 07:01:18

    This film has something really great (the atmosphere and depiction of love) and something really bad, the boring performance of the...

  • Trevion 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    One of the most amazing shots is "Thinking of you, my virgin breasts gurgling milk", other moving shots are mostly food, it seems that no matter how long it takes, you can recall these sticky and sweet close-ups, cinnamon, mint , pomegranate, and tears in the dough mix as if you were in the kitchen, while the stirring red bean and beef broth oozes steam. The first time I met Pedro she said "it was like the dough jumped into the frying pan" and we all knew the love was unmistakable. What...

  • Anabelle 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    "As Water Is To...

  • Rubye 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    The way of expressing emotions and desires with food is full of fantasy and fun, and the romance is full of...

  • Nathan 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    The continuation and breaking of the tragic spell, the romance of magical realism, the shock of the last scene is second only to Quasimodo's death with the corpse of little Rada, Tina's diary remembers the author who recorded his own recipes. The story has similar ideas, but unfortunately I can't remember the author's...

  • Janice 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    I think I will finally not be moved by obsession, how I hope she chooses a doctor and tells me that everyone will succumb to the warmth of reality and the happiness that is easy to reach. . While turned into fireworks she burns into a brave beauty....

  • Elwyn 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    The youngest daughter has to take care of her mother without getting married and infertile all her life... Cruel things are really...

  • Shannon 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    The food version of a hundred years of loneliness is amazing~~~~ Everyone has a fire in their hearts, but it takes a lot of external force to ignite it. Oxygen is the breath of a lover, and a catalyst may be a medium that evokes memories -- sound, light, color , and taste... You must be kindled, or your heart will become a damp match and lose its ability to burn...

  • Rocio 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    una pelicula muy...

Extended Reading

Like Water for Chocolate quotes

  • Mamá Elena: Sit down and keep working! And no tears!

  • Mamá Elena: Poor child. I hope he is in heaven with God. We can't let sorrow take over. There is a lot of work to do.