Lifeforce Comments

  • Herta 2023-01-18 15:38:06

    It really is a mashup of sci-fi + vampire + zombie movies......

  • Aisha 2022-11-12 11:39:24

    Cosmic Naked...

  • Abel 2022-11-09 08:06:35

    I have to say that it was very good to be able to shoot like this 20 or 30 years ago. What is admirable is that the heroine did not wear clothes from beginning to...

  • Deja 2022-10-30 16:36:48

    Most of the first part is still a bit of an idea, and the next 40 minutes falls into the cliché of a zombie movie. I have been talking about vampires and then turned into zombies. . . Certain special effects were highly technical and influenced many similar films later. . . PS At that time, Sir Patrick Stewart was neither a bald captain nor a paralyzed principal. . . Only that man-to-man kiss was full of rotten taste. ....

  • Robert 2022-10-26 08:54:54

    Science fiction film + porn film + zombie film, the three styles are mixed together to form a copycat blockbuster, one of the successful models of European and American B-grade films in the 1980s. Three and a...

  • Aletha 2022-10-16 22:08:04

    I'd say she's perfect. I've been in space for six months and she looks perfect to...

  • Wilford 2022-10-16 19:21:44

    A fusion of space sci-fi at the beginning, suspense after that, then zombies...and Mathilda May nude all the...

  • Arvilla 2022-10-11 22:49:30

    B-movie? Can such a big production in 1985 be considered a B-movie? Although some lenses are processed with the taste of B-level films! But on the whole it is moving in the direction of the mainstream! Rather...

  • Eloy 2022-10-11 16:55:46

    The sci-fi exorcism vampire zombie is a pot of stew, and the brain hole is really convinced. It belongs to the kind of willful temperament, and you can play it how you want. This era is relatively loose, and many of the films made are very liberal, so even if I think the filming is bad, the ideas and creativity in it will still make people laugh or find it interesting, and sometimes I don’t want to give too low a score. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of rot, you are afraid of...

  • Ned 2022-10-11 15:36:35

    The director puts a sci-fi coat on a traditional vampire story: the alien corpse replaces the vampire, the ancient spaceship replaces the ghost castle, the federal colonel and drug hypnotherapy replace the Vatican priest and the holy water exorcism ceremony, conversion The host replaced the possession of the body and seized the house... In the last half hour of the film, the director simply did not hide it, and directly let the zombies devour and infect the living, and let the demons show their...

Extended Reading

Lifeforce quotes

  • Colonel Colin Caine: Colonel, take it from the beginning. Assume we know nothing... which is understating the matter.

  • Colonel Colin Caine: Supposing you're right about all of this. What about that ship up there. What's it doing?

    Dr. Hans Fallada: We can't know that. But we've got to assume the worst.