Lifeboat Comments

  • Ferne 2022-12-21 11:22:13

    Everyone is a mystery, and you can't guess the other party and you can't see yourself clearly. It is a pity that the film initially discussed moral dilemmas indiscriminately, but was later "kidnapped" by political...

  • Hilton 2022-12-12 09:51:35

    In the vast sea, a lonely boat, all the stories start from here. This kind of environment tests human nature the most, but also tests the will and the body. If you can't keep up, you're out of the game. It's hard not to be reminiscent of Ang Lee's PI. Maybe Ang Lee learned it. The entire film's hatred of Nazi Germans overflows the screen. The German Ren in the movie is insidious, cunning, capricious, obsessive, cruel and vicious, and is downright bad. The ending is very good. There was no...

  • Ewell 2022-11-22 13:18:29

    The last supply ship was bombed, and that should be the end of it. There should be no more of our ships. This is a wonderful irony, and the result of...

  • Koby 2022-11-19 23:41:45

    From the perspective of genre films, it is close to five stars and is the first of its kind; it is not only about human nature and ideology, but also uses the friction between characters to create dramatic conflicts and control the overall rhythm progress; emotional focus is not repeated, and the focus on a single scene is virtually transferred. Dependence creates a richer time and space; the most interesting thing is that the personal stories overflowing from the frame have a very strong...

  • Remington 2022-11-19 14:36:00

    What a dick, Xi Fat is really in the United States, which is watching the fire from the other side, otherwise, where would you be in such a high spirit to discuss...

  • Jerry 2022-09-27 04:38:54

    Alfred Hitchcock was a great artist, a great humanist, (all great artists are great humanists.) But he was also an ordinary man, a man who was grieved and miserable for his country by Fascist Germany, I deeply understand this, but I have to admit that because of this, the artistry of the film has been lowered to a...

  • Ernestine 2022-09-23 15:56:49

    Later, when I read the biography of hitchcock, I learned about his cameo appearance in this film. ....

  • Keegan 2022-09-13 04:47:12

    In front of the insidious enemy (this "bad" setting... wartime needs? It must be too blindly optimistic in peacetime), all classes unite? Ladies and workers are calling ehehe... Polanski is more...

  • Alyson 2022-06-13 20:16:13

    Even if it is not the best Xi Fat, I have to say that he has created a precedent for too many subjects and has become the shoulder of giants that future generations can stand...

  • Iliana 2022-06-13 15:20:37

    Although it is mixed with more political orientations, it is still a good work as a confined space group drama. People with different identities and political opinions are trapped in lifeboats, plus a German who is attacking them. In the process of getting along with the sea, the contradictions are constantly intensifying and a delicate balance is constantly formed. In the process of breaking and bonding The mentality changes of several couples and the looping setting at the end are both...

Extended Reading

Lifeboat quotes

  • Connie Porter: [last lines, translating the German soldier's words] He said "Aren't you going to kill me?"

    Stanley 'Sparks' Garrett: "Aren't you going to kill me?" What are you gonna do with people like that?

    John Kovac: I dunno. I was thinking of Mrs Higley and her baby. And Gus.

    Connie Porter: Well, maybe they can answer that.

  • [while Kovac and Ritt are playing poker, Connie inspects the numerous tattoos on Kovac's chest and arms]

    Connie Porter: What are those letters on your diaphragm?

    John Kovac: Love letters.

    Connie Porter: Oh, you believe in advertising.

    John Kovac: Open.

    Connie Porter: Never could understand this quaint habit of making a billboard out of one's torso.

    Charles D. 'Ritt' Rittenhouse: Stay.

    John Kovac: Three cards.

    Connie Porter: I must say you've shown the most commendable delicacy in just tattooing the initial... not printing the names, addresses and telephone numbers.

    John Kovac: Open.

    Charles D. 'Ritt' Rittenhouse: Nines?

    John Kovac: Queens.

    Connie Porter: See, how many are there? One, two, three, four, five.

    John Kovac: Remind me to show you the rest of them sometime.


Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Language: English,German,French Release date: January 28, 1944

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