Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Comments

  • Laverna 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    Nicolas Cage's bad comes from human nature. Humans have shortcomings. In a liberal democratic country, respecting individual rights and freedoms also respects human imperfections. Only imperfect human beings have the idea of ​​restricting and limiting human nature through institutions. Produced: separation of powers and checks and balances, judicial review and constitutionalism and other...

  • Rylee 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    I thought Nikolas Cage would never make a good movie...

  • Kasey 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    come on man, is...

  • Trycia 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    Cage's best movies in recent...

  • Francesco 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    Uncle Cage proved that his acting skills are still there after making so many bad...

  • Leopold 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    From the decadent and decadent gambler in "Far From Las Vegas" to the neurotic professional liar in "Stickman", Cage is once again passive and...

  • Brooke 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    Running out of...

  • Kasey 2022-04-23 07:03:00

    How lewd is Cage who searched the street for drugs and forced her boyfriend against the wall to watch his girlfriend have sex All kinds of big names come to play the opposite angle!...

  • Reyna 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    My nun drawing is back! It's really fun this...

  • Kathryn 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    Long-lost cage. The powerful acting under the big beige suit holding his back is still there. Many people said that they finally saw the shadow of the actor again. And I have always believed in you. No matter how back the hairline is. anyway. Even "F***" is what you feel the most. The music is weird. Those lizards are even weirder. Superb cage. Unique and...

Extended Reading

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans quotes

  • Frankie Donnenfeld: Just get me my money.

    Justin: I usually pay when I'm done.

    Terence McDonagh: Done smacking her around?

    Justin: It's erotic shit, man. I didn't hurt her.

    Terence McDonagh: [Throws him against the wall] Just like I'm not hurting you.

    Justin: Did I hurt-did I hurt you?

    Frankie Donnenfeld: Terence, let's just go.

    Terence McDonagh: We don't hit women down south.

    Justin: You just made a big mistake, Terry. My father's Andy Winnick. You ever hear of him?

    Terence McDonagh: Who?

    Justin: One of the biggest developers in the Gulf Coast.

    Terence McDonagh: Congratulations.

    Justin: Tommy Leonardi's one of his best friends.

    Terence McDonagh: Hey, listen to me, scumbag. Don't try to impress me with your father knows some guinea hood. What you've got to take away from this experience is if you ever see that girl again, you turn around and you walk in the opposite direction. You got that?

    Justin: Oh, yeah, man. Yeah.

    Terence McDonagh: I ever hear about you so much as looking at that girl, you're gonna wish you were born without a dick.

  • Terence McDonagh: Deoxyribonucleic acid!