Lee Daniels' The Butler Comments

  • Macie 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    Sure enough, it cannot be separated from the tediousness of the biographical film. It is too deliberate to trace the traces of the history of the black struggle in the United States and it is not...

  • Bo 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    The grand theme has become a...

  • Braeden 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    2.5. Look asleep. . . Kennedy can do...

  • Keyshawn 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    All the way through the running account narrative, and finally comes the end of the main theme, which has a fart relationship with the history of the White...

  • Britney 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    It is like a large table of dishes, rich and rich, but not delicious enough. Abundant is a large gathering of actors and wonderful performances like a big party, and insufficiently delicious means that the story frame is too large, but it is not complete and has no wonderful details. So it's a big story or a little detail. In the end, it is often the finer details that are exciting...

  • Susanna 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    The running water of the President of the United States, the iron-clad black butler. The casting of several presidents is very bright, and the style and interpretation reflect the Americans' love for the previous presidents (laughs). Actually, I shot Ao Guanhai Ren all the way (he was so handsome in Guanhai 08). Since it was finally made into the main melody, why not just ask Guan Hai to make a...

  • Zane 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    The first paragraph is clearly a marquee-style running account, conveying that talent and effort are not important, but the positive energy of meeting nobles wherever you go. The midsection is good, and the alternation of several presidents is very smooth. In the latter part, the focus is lost again, until it is forcibly sublimated at the end, which profoundly shows the truth that one powder is worth ten blacks, and ruins the whole...

  • Mae 2022-04-01 09:01:05

    Pretending to force the dog to bark again, you can also give 5 stars your taste is... It's so good to see that it can make me cry in the early morning, 5...

  • Asa 2022-04-01 09:01:05

    The eyes are full of history. The two clues of father and son deduce the history of equal rights for black people, and finally meet...

  • Jerad 2022-04-01 09:01:05

    Intercept some sensational moments of life and death in life, and the historical events experienced. The human rights movement has little to do with the identity of the butler in the White House, it is just a bystander and witness. Regardless of family relations or career ideals, I just want to say a few words and make a summary without much...

Extended Reading

Lee Daniels' The Butler quotes

  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.