Leave No Trace Comments

  • Jacynthe 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    "Isolation" and "Escape" in the context of modern civilization, which are slowly interpreted in an alternative, cold and unconventional...

  • Palma 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    The original "My Abandonment" feels that the name is more in line with the feeling of the film. The posters are well received, and the actors are well received. 7.5 points + 0.3 points for the ending song + 0.2 points for PTSD innuendo. We are all sick, aren't we? Needless to say, it's good to let your body heal itself quietly. The touching scene is to warm her daughter's cold feet on her belly. The last thirty minutes slowly explained the state of mind of the father and daughter. The swarm is...

  • Katarina 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    The original "My Abandonment" feels that the name is more in line with the feeling of the film. The posters are well received, and the actors are well received. 7.5 points + 0.3 points for the ending song + 0.2 points for PTSD innuendo. We are all sick, aren't we? Needless to say, it's good to let your body heal itself quietly. The touching scene is to warm her daughter's cold feet on her belly. The last thirty minutes slowly explained the state of mind of the father and daughter. The swarm is...

  • Emmie 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    There are refreshing greens, and the courage to choose the most suitable life path for you. The whole movie is not boring and sensational, it is very transparent, and it feels like it's a matter of...

  • Garth 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    There are refreshing greens, and the courage to choose the most suitable life path for you. The whole movie is not boring and sensational, it is very transparent, and it feels like it's a matter of...

  • Precious 2022-03-24 09:02:38

    The little girl is not amazing, but she is very...

  • Eloisa 2022-03-24 09:02:38

    The little girl is not amazing, but she is very...

  • Jerrell 2022-03-24 09:02:38

    Disdain to confide your heart to anyone, do not want to connect with anyone, don't even give him a phone call, and can't live without giving him a house, you must stay away from the crowd and live in the mountains and forests. Those who have been active in social networks for a long time and talk a lot of nonsense in the crowd every day but never forget to advertise their own social fear, let's take a look at what is the real social...

  • Jerry 2022-03-24 09:02:38

    Disdain to confide your heart to anyone, do not want to connect with anyone, don't even give him a phone call, and can't live without giving him a house, you must stay away from the crowd and live in the mountains and forests. Those who have been active in social networks for a long time and talk a lot of nonsense in the crowd every day but never forget to advertise their own social fear, let's take a look at what is the real social...

  • Crawford 2022-03-24 09:02:38

    What is freedom? I can't answer such a question, and my understanding of the word freedom is very shallow and subjective, but I can try to divide some screen images into different levels. Absolute freedom: A woman who will never stop is depicted in "The End of the World", and there is no place to keep her. From this aspect, she has absolute freedom, but isn't this an absolute predicament? True freedom: There is always a group of people living in RVs in road movies. Their material life is...

Extended Reading

Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.