Late Night Comments

  • Dana 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    The formulaic plot is casually interspersed with discussions of social problems that the screenwriter intends to reflect, but the discussion is simple and old-fashioned, the drama and comedy are unreliable, Mindy narcissistically makes his characters particularly pleasing, and there are many scenes, fast food acting and Emma Thompson Lines are...

  • Mustafa 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Watch the show. If the focus of this film is on feminism, you will be more and more biased on gender issues, because women's issues are essentially human issues. Through the handling of the relationship between the various characters, this film has done a good job in this...

  • Eric 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    1. The dialogue in the first half is concise, and the editing is good for the naked eye, but because the narrative perspective is not clear, the rhythm becomes more chaotic as it goes to the back. 2. It's not as preachy as the trailer looks, but after seeing it, I feel that it needs a little more political correctness, otherwise it lacks the theme/ambiguity, and the ending is too...

  • Vinnie 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    "The Devil Wears Prada" in the 76/100 TV circle, watching how mean others are may be the greatest pleasure of this type of workplace...

  • Rudy 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    In the comments, can you stop talking about political correctness every day? Trivialization and marginalization encountered by women in the workplace described in the film are still very common phenomena, and political correctness is...

  • Jasmin 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    A rare clever comedy. No shit, no shit, no stupidity, Mindy Karling's script is neat and meticulous, the characters are vivid and full, and the double-sided ridicule of political correctness and anti-political correctness is in place....

  • Clarabelle 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Just another smart comedy. But Emma Thompson is SOOOOOOO...

  • Garnett 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    #2019Sundance# Book nominations in the Golden Globes Comedy category in advance. It is rare to be bombarded with dense laughs but not to break up the story very much. You can see the comedy skills of the screenwriter (and starring). Sure enough, comedy is the most suitable subject for talking about politics, but some people are finished when they...

  • Christelle 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Although I fell asleep, Emma Thompson looks...

  • Lina 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Hollywood used to be full of Magic negro, and now the overwhelming political correctness has created a lot of Magic minorities. They may be Asian, they may be Hispanic, they may be disabled women, they may be single mothers. They are still optimistic and energetic, helping the white characters to complete their missions.......

Extended Reading

Late Night quotes

  • Katherine Newbury: I don't want to go.

  • Katherine Newbury: Don't take this the wrong way, but your earnestness can be very hard to be around.