Last Cab to Darwin Comments

  • Grant 2023-04-22 06:52:50

    Alone euthanasia, it is better to go to the end in the company of relatives. Because of personal experience, it is easy to be...

  • Holden 2023-04-18 00:34:13

    Facing death, facing yourself a good...

  • Mireya 2023-04-10 21:55:52

    I don't feel it, it's...

  • Carson 2023-04-01 09:41:45

    After a week of insomnia, I can finally relax on Friday night. Like a talk show in it, Australia's one-pot, road, love, family, life value, comedy, death, euthanasia, childhood memories, friendship, religion, western, It combines a lot of content, but it is messy but not messy. Isn't that what our life is like? Filled with all kinds of things, all around are mediums for exploring the meaning of life. Living towards death, when life is about to end, it is easier to feel the value of life....

  • Darian 2023-03-31 17:07:10

    Bring me a beautiful Sunday...

  • Ethyl 2023-03-16 23:06:28

    Too small? Or only in Tuao? More suitable for sunbathing and drinking tea on Sunday...

  • Jean 2023-03-11 15:20:40

    As of now, only 125 people have rated it. It's a very small group. It's still a very good movie. I can always be moved by these simple stories of dying people. I like the easy-going nurses, the expressions of the neighbors, and the ending. This movie reminds me that I still have a long way to go and gets me farther the night before school starts....

  • Scot 2023-03-10 23:40:48

    The Chinese translation of this name is a bit of a shit. It should be classified as a road movie... Tilly's uninhibited performance is impressive. Slightly sentimental in...

  • Archibald 2023-03-10 21:01:36

    A journey to life. Those who love are not alone. The tree full of feral cats is so impressive......

  • Destini 2023-03-05 09:17:14

    Road trips back and forth, with the determination of euthanasia to break through the gap of color: the most dignified way to die is actually holding the hand of a...

Extended Reading

Last Cab to Darwin quotes

  • Rex: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

  • Dougie: Here's to us and fuck the rest.