L'Age d'Or Comments

  • Gaylord 2023-05-08 08:15:52

    Some shots have amazing imagination. The magma is matched with the sound of toilet flushing. The suicide fell on the ceiling. The cow lying on the bed in the boudoir made the heroine swim in the mirror (like the story of Zeus taking Europa). The hostility of Schubert has a high probability of winning. Lust, killing children, killing people, throwing bishops, black Jesus, under the watch of the Vatican, solemnly staged symbolic blasphemy, and Schubert’s unfinished symphony is for the male and...

  • Gayle 2023-05-03 10:28:20

    To be honest, I didn't understand it at all, but I still understand the meaning of Lao Bu's mockery of thrashing capitalism, high society, and sanctimonious...

  • Angel 2023-04-29 17:15:23

    Did surrealism simultaneously deconstruct my two-hour subway ride back and...

  • Brett 2023-04-20 17:51:51

    The master's consciousness is too advanced, and I can't catch up no matter how much I chase!...

  • Sigurd 2023-04-08 21:25:45

    The collaboration between Buñuel and Dali following "An Andalusian Dog" is also Buñuel's first feature-length feature film. This famous surreal film has a stronger critique of religion. The opening scene of two scorpions fighting on the beach and several bishops sitting on rocks in the opening film are a very ironic reference to the struggle caused by religion. Like a poisonous scorpion, although the surface is silent, it is extremely vicious in the...

  • Travon 2023-03-29 09:13:32

    I don't understand... Desire and repression. Or something...

  • Sven 2023-03-28 11:35:53

    22/9/2007 7:00pm Space...

  • Hattie 2023-03-05 19:30:35

    Skeletons on coastal reefs, cows in bed, toes sucking statues... "The film is full of erotic imagery and ends with a man expressly intending to recreate Christ's rise from an abusive orgy. The Golden Age 1 When it was released, it caused riots, so it was banned from being shown. For almost forty years, it was impossible to see this film." - Quoted from "World Film History" / Spanish Masters Exhibition @...

  • Cassandre 2023-02-20 12:22:41

    What a romantic "sexual relationship does not exist" story! Those wonderful surreal pictures are everywhere. The hand licking the statue’s toe, stroking the woman’s face suddenly loses its fingers, the cotton gushing out of the pillow and the burning tree being thrown out of the window, even though they are old, those The imagery is still very...

  • Casimer 2023-02-17 10:46:20

    I really don't understand it, but the camera movement and editing techniques are quite...

Extended Reading

L'Age d'Or quotes

  • Young Girl: I have waited for a long time. What joy to have our children murdered!