Lady and the Tramp Comments

  • Johnny 2022-09-04 07:20:32

    Favorite couple! ! ! The one who eats noodles! !...

  • Andre 2022-08-19 15:40:54

    The story of a poor boy falling in love with a rich girl, a stray dog ​​who eats soft rice~ Haha, the lady and the dog are so beautiful, they look like a real lady! I would like to dedicate this film to those male dogs who eat soft...

  • Antonia 2022-05-19 23:39:09

    In fact, from "Miss and the Tramp" to "Zoo Crazy City", we can find that from 1955 to 2016, our aesthetics of men has hardly changed. Stray dogs and foxes are actually one type of male protagonist. However, the female image has changed greatly during the period. From Lady’s gentle, beautiful, virtuous and virtuous, family-oriented to Judy’s bravery, smart and strong, with dreams and careers as the focus, I have to say that Disney has witnessed human...

  • Adonis 2022-05-19 20:49:06

    The first wide-screen animated feature-length film mostly used animal low-view angles. Human characters are often just busts without showing their faces, giving the puppy the greatest halo of the protagonist. The title of the film should be translated as "Noble Dogs and Stray Dogs", the love story of two puppies of different identities, and the trick of accidentally touching their mouths while eating spaghetti together. It's just that the concept of love is not happy. After a one-night stand,...

  • Chaya 2022-05-19 19:54:06

    Spaghetti Kiss is really classic and romantic, I really like the gossip to the chef who prepares candles, flowers and plays the piano...

  • Theodore 2022-05-19 19:07:24

    In fact, I just want to say a word, even if the rich lady is fond of the poor boy, but you still have to have the charm of a long cloud, the skills of making girls, the skills of survival, the leadership ability, the human ability, and the ability to be liked by the...

  • Nelda 2022-05-19 17:39:44

    I was abused by a dog~ But the name in the film is really bad, dear darling lady. ....

Extended Reading

Lady and the Tramp quotes

  • Joe: Here's your bones-a, Tony.

    Tony: Okay, bones. Bones? Whassa matta for you, Joe? I break-a your face-e! Tonight, Butch-a, he's-a get the best in the house!

    Joe: Okay, Tony! You the boss.

    Tony: [Showing Tramp the menu] Now, tell me, what's your pleasure? A la carte? Dinner?

    [Tramp barks]

    Tony: Aha, okay. Hey, Joe! Butch-a he say he wants-a two spaghetti speciale, heavy on the meats-a ball.

    Joe: Tony, dogs-a don't a-talk!

    Tony: He's a-talkin' to me!

    Joe: Okay, he's a-talkin' to you! You the boss!

    [brings the spaghetti, muttering to himself in Italian; Tony snatches the spaghetti from him and serves it to the dogs]

    Tony: Now, here you are-a, the best-a spaghetti in-a town.

  • Tramp: Aw, come on, Pige. It wasn't my fault.

    Lady: Hmph!

    Tramp: I thought you were right behind me. Honest. When I heard they'd taken you to the pound, I...

    Lady: Oh, don't even mention that horrible place.


    Lady: I was so embarrassed... and frightened...

    Tramp: Oh, now, now. Who could ever harm a little trick like you?

    Lady: [Angry] Trick? Trick! Oh, that reminds me. Who is Trixie?

    Tramp: Trixie?

    Lady: And Lulu and Fifi and Rosita Chiquita wh... whatever her name is?

    Tramp: Chiquita... chiquita, oh... Oh! Yes! Well, I-I-I can explain...

    Lady: As far as I'm concerned, you needn't worry about your old heel.

    Tramp: M-m-my heel?

    Lady: I don't need you to shelter and protect me.

    Tramp: Yes, b-but...

    Lady: If you grow careless, don't blame me. And I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up! Goodbye! And take this with you!

    [Tosses back the bone Tramp gave her]