Lady and the Tramp Comments

  • Philip 2023-03-10 23:46:18

    Super love! It turned out to be a 1955 film! I saw it when I was a child, and I was yearning for...

  • Boris 2023-03-06 16:41:09

    It's really cute and healing. In that era without 3D, hand-painting was so gorgeous and vivid. Every time I watch Disney's works, whether animation or live-action movies, I feel that the world is full of love. After a busy day, let me end the day with such a...

  • Nicolette 2023-03-02 09:59:03

    An animated version of the story of Bai Fumei and...

  • Nigel 2023-03-01 07:39:36

    I watched it when I was a child, I remember it was very good, I watched it many times, and the scene of the two puppies eating noodles is unforgettable, a classic...

  • Branson 2023-02-18 16:35:10

    It turns out that lady and tramp are not rich girls and poor nobles. A dog's first love. The ending is so sweet. Four...

  • Deondre 2023-02-10 02:37:16


  • Einar 2023-02-08 00:37:39

    Taiwan and Diao Jiantian use Shandong dialect (I presume) and Italian accent, as well as Shanghai dialect and Sichuan...

  • Kacie 2023-02-07 12:22:16

    Miss is really classy oh, I love the Prince Charles...

  • Thalia 2023-02-06 11:15:25

    I learned every...

  • Pearline 2023-01-27 04:21:51

    I like it very much. The dog's nature and modalities in front of people are very realistic~ The part of the dog with the mouse is so funny~ Although the saying goes, the dog is nosy with the mouse, but the loyalty of the dog is so...

Extended Reading

Lady and the Tramp quotes

  • Joe: Here's your bones-a, Tony.

    Tony: Okay, bones. Bones? Whassa matta for you, Joe? I break-a your face-e! Tonight, Butch-a, he's-a get the best in the house!

    Joe: Okay, Tony! You the boss.

    Tony: [Showing Tramp the menu] Now, tell me, what's your pleasure? A la carte? Dinner?

    [Tramp barks]

    Tony: Aha, okay. Hey, Joe! Butch-a he say he wants-a two spaghetti speciale, heavy on the meats-a ball.

    Joe: Tony, dogs-a don't a-talk!

    Tony: He's a-talkin' to me!

    Joe: Okay, he's a-talkin' to you! You the boss!

    [brings the spaghetti, muttering to himself in Italian; Tony snatches the spaghetti from him and serves it to the dogs]

    Tony: Now, here you are-a, the best-a spaghetti in-a town.

  • Tramp: Aw, come on, Pige. It wasn't my fault.

    Lady: Hmph!

    Tramp: I thought you were right behind me. Honest. When I heard they'd taken you to the pound, I...

    Lady: Oh, don't even mention that horrible place.


    Lady: I was so embarrassed... and frightened...

    Tramp: Oh, now, now. Who could ever harm a little trick like you?

    Lady: [Angry] Trick? Trick! Oh, that reminds me. Who is Trixie?

    Tramp: Trixie?

    Lady: And Lulu and Fifi and Rosita Chiquita wh... whatever her name is?

    Tramp: Chiquita... chiquita, oh... Oh! Yes! Well, I-I-I can explain...

    Lady: As far as I'm concerned, you needn't worry about your old heel.

    Tramp: M-m-my heel?

    Lady: I don't need you to shelter and protect me.

    Tramp: Yes, b-but...

    Lady: If you grow careless, don't blame me. And I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up! Goodbye! And take this with you!

    [Tosses back the bone Tramp gave her]