La Strada Comments

  • Kassandra 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    "If I die, will you cry for me?" "If I'm not with you, who will I be with?" 2020-10-22 Three brushes, still fascinated by the fairy-like Massina, the goddess among the goddesses , She interprets the pitiful and lovely, the most affectionate to perfection, and no one is better; she is Fellini's eternal female version of the clown, is a pure angel who has fallen into the desolate world, and her yearning for beauty and goodness has never been extinguished. When that sad trumpet was blown, there...

  • Jaden 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    The lover walks a tightrope, laughs loudly, but is fragile and undefended. The bad lover walks everywhere, fierce and evil, but lonely and doesn't understand love. The big-eyed angels who play trumpets and trumpets can only play themselves and stay behind for others. On this planet, there are countless roads and countless roads. When a clear soul meets a lonely heart, time is a...

  • Theo 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    "For naive adults, going mad is always the only...

  • Erling 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    The wandering artist does not talk about love. "Love and ideals" are all empty concepts. There is only "need" and "he needs me". Despite so many opportunities to escape, she chose to stay unless she is abandoned. Although he was rude, savage, and all kinds of bad things, when the two of them went to the restaurant for the first time making a big profit, he first asked her what she wanted to eat, and every time she ate, he also gave her a big bowl. . There are only details and life, no...

  • Coralie 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    [Exhibition of China Film Archive] I was full of question marks when I watched it: Is this an adventure of being a silly girl? The tight-rope walker who was clever-toothed and awkward said something very simple and playful, but kind and warm. At the end, Anthony Quinn’s performance was really shocking. In fact, the movie is Fellini's gift of love to his wife. But it reminds me: Poor people must be hateful. In any case, watching the completion of work is brainwashed by the theme song. Samsung...

  • Dashawn 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    I don't know if the man with the lungs of steel at the end of the story is crying at the beach, regretting the lost love or mourning his loneliness. I only know that no one will love you like that except for the silly woman who can't cook or dance and is as ugly as an artichoke. The road is vast, when you are stumbling and wandering in the world, no one will accompany you...

  • Leif 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    After watching the movie, I feel that a large part of the movie history is the story of men sending women to the altar to redeem...

  • Marcelino 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    How can you not give five stars! Classical tricks, this piece of fire was a mess that year, and Italy played a big Renaissance. PS In the Italian film city, there are always long queues at the bus stop when it is off work. But the bus driver always parked in front of Nino Rota and told him to get on the bus first. Fellini, who waited for the bus together every day, couldn't see it, so he went forward to theory. Thus, a generation of directors and musicians met in this...

Extended Reading

La Strada quotes

  • Zampanò: [reciting his act by rote before a crowd] Here we have a piece of chain that is a quarter of an inch thick. It is made of crude iron, stronger than steel. With the simple expansion of my pectoral muscles, or chest, that is, I'll break the hook.

    [collecting money from the crowd]

    Zampanò: Thank you, thank you. Now, to do this feat, I must fill myself up like a tire. If a blood vessel should break, I would spit blood. For instance, in Milan a man weighing 240 pounds lost his eyesight doing this trick. That is because the optical nerves take a beating, and once you lose your eyes, you are finished. If there's any delicate person in the audience, I would advise him to look away 'cause there could be blood.

    [with seemingly great effort, he breaks the chain]

  • Gelsomina's Mother: She's not like Rosa. But she's a good girl, poor thing. She'll do what she's told. She just came out a little strange. But, if she eats every day, maybe she'll get better.