La Strada Comments

  • Kaelyn 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    He turned away from his wingless back, leaving Jeremyna with a heart as bright as her eyes. That night he pretended to ridicule and told her that the protagonist was in love with her, but he was in love with her. , Especially when she played the tune he taught her, he told her the value of his existence, made her laugh with tears, he respected her choice, put on her own necklace as a souvenir, and then hummed. The little song rushed...

  • Amber 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    This is the kind of ending that will keep you from forgetting for a long time and burst into tears. There will be many people who want to shoot similar stories, want to shoot a beautiful ending, and fill the black hole it created in their hearts, but in the end they will still feel that this painful ending is so beautiful and so unforgettable. You will think of those lost, fleeting, and within reach, but still beautiful dreams hanging in the...

  • Madisyn 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Fellini had countless lovers in his life, but never left his wife. That innocent and kind, little woman who has always endured his willfulness and bad temper. He expressed his love and apology for her with this "Broad Road". Although Fellini has such a magnificent reputation, perhaps in his heart, he is always just a wandering entertainer in the world, and only his wife is his most loyal and only traveling companion in the exodus of the...

  • Marcella 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Changsha-Who used the Polaroid and I have something to say to you that those three flashes hurt me Stand up for possession. The freshness of Dalu and the unknown expectation of Dalu were extinguished. I don’t know where the highlights of the movie are and how the story turns and spreads. I only know that the movie is divided into three sections. Before the flash fires, and after the flash fires, I don’t know why Jesomi Na suddenly rekindled life and hope for me. I don’t know why Zambanu walked...

  • Nannie 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    I’m romantic outside, you endure it silently; I’m locked into the police station, you are waiting outside the house; you refuse all invitations, and you are willing to stay with me as a wandering artist; it’s not that you never thought of leaving, but you think the meaning of your existence is to let me No longer alone. But I still won't go back when you are asleep, take everything away. Years later, when I heard the news of your death, who was already alive, I realized that it was the only...

  • Cesar 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Fellini's films always make people's psychological defenses collapse instantly at the...

  • Pietro 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Fellini’s is much more beautiful than eight and a half, and the optimism and innocence of the silly girl moved me and broke my heart. Some dogs can only bark when they want to say...

  • Derrick 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Fellini's early popular works were also the works that he and Visconti had forged a decade of enmity for "The Demon of the Warring States". Like the metaphor of "moon and sixpence", Fellini uses Zambano and Jessomina to deconstruct himself with two completely different characters: Zambano is a dietary man and woman who only knows about food and sex. Like a beast; Jesomina is a true and pure troubadour, instinct and fraternity are the biggest motivations that drive her alive. The two characters...

  • Delmer 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Lamenting its misfortune, anger is indisputable. . . Look at the most praised article, is it human? Co-authored Fellini's numerous lovers, Massina, should she be particularly fortunate for her position in the palace? The world cannot always bully loyal...

  • Alyce 2022-01-03 08:01:20

    Oh, it's so touching, the music burst into tears afterwards. This is the ending of a tragedy caused by someone who loves but cannot express. . . Even if there is a chest that can break free from the chain, but I can't help the pain of...

Extended Reading

La Strada quotes

  • Zampanò: [reciting his act by rote before a crowd] Here we have a piece of chain that is a quarter of an inch thick. It is made of crude iron, stronger than steel. With the simple expansion of my pectoral muscles, or chest, that is, I'll break the hook.

    [collecting money from the crowd]

    Zampanò: Thank you, thank you. Now, to do this feat, I must fill myself up like a tire. If a blood vessel should break, I would spit blood. For instance, in Milan a man weighing 240 pounds lost his eyesight doing this trick. That is because the optical nerves take a beating, and once you lose your eyes, you are finished. If there's any delicate person in the audience, I would advise him to look away 'cause there could be blood.

    [with seemingly great effort, he breaks the chain]

  • Gelsomina's Mother: She's not like Rosa. But she's a good girl, poor thing. She'll do what she's told. She just came out a little strange. But, if she eats every day, maybe she'll get better.