La Strada Comments

  • Fredy 2022-04-24 07:01:14

    Federico Fellini's neorealism in "The Great Road" is so sincere and profound, the film's focus on small people has an excellent and delicate control of emotions, and a girl with a slight mental retardation The infatuation of love is deeply portrayed, and the love rendered with tragic grief, when the virgin protagonist Zangba Nuo sobbing at the beach at the end, also endows the film with intriguing...

  • Eveline 2022-04-24 07:01:14

    I found that Fellini was very suitable for me to watch when I was disillusioned and heartbroken. Every woman has a sense of substitution. After crying a lot, she is moved by understanding. Tears are made of honey. "Only God knows what a stone is for", the final reveal of the fate of Zampano, who cried bitterly at the starry sky for the first time on the last beach, and Jesomina, who had no chance to know that he was...

  • Octavia 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    I have to tell the truth, this film is more than a notch worse than Kabylia, especially the second half, it's too thin to my surprise, the tug-of-war between a man and a woman is long and boring, and the sudden awakening at the end makes me happy Speechless. Julieta is a real...

  • Myrtice 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    The words are still in my ears, people are far from the...

  • Lionel 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    8.7; If you can't settle down for me, you would rather go on a wandering journey together and not be afraid to face this impermanent...

  • Gertrude 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    I remember watching "The Great Road" in high school for the Nortel test... I haven't watched it again for years... When I watched "Every Day is a Good Day" today, I mentioned this "The Great Road" three times before, during and after the movie, which made me I think it's time to re-watch: The life of a poor and homeless artist → "Be born, live", this adage is sometimes really difficult to do in the real world, you need to ensure food, clothing, housing and transportation, and to survive minor...

  • Wendy 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Not all roads lead to...

  • Ezekiel 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Fellini is probably the most shy person ever to show himself to others. He is a director, a screenwriter, and an actor, but in the final analysis, he is an actor. Each of his films is nothing but himself, but always deeply complex: about people, about love, about everything. 2020.11.15 @Archive Second...

  • Lucie 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Z lives most naturally and directly. Performing arts, eating, being ridiculed by smart people and then fighting back... I directly vent my emotions, anger, and sorrow, and never hide it. Everything is for survival and never takes pleasure in hurting others. He let G sleep in the car, he slept in the snow and ice, and let G go home. G is incompetent, weak, full of emotion and romance. After being attracted by the eloquent and humorous M, he stays beside the "beast" with pity. Z is a beast who...

  • Shanny 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Most of the endings of other road films are either inspirational or sublime, but Fellini's "The Road" makes the audience witness the degeneration and heartbreak. From the comedy at the beginning, the transition to the tragedy later, the joys and sorrows and helplessness of life make people cry. Masina is so suitable for this role. She is naturally cute and pitiful. Her role is actually like a movie of a clown tragedy. We see beauty in her, but beauty is destined to be...

Extended Reading

La Strada quotes

  • Zampanò: [reciting his act by rote before a crowd] Here we have a piece of chain that is a quarter of an inch thick. It is made of crude iron, stronger than steel. With the simple expansion of my pectoral muscles, or chest, that is, I'll break the hook.

    [collecting money from the crowd]

    Zampanò: Thank you, thank you. Now, to do this feat, I must fill myself up like a tire. If a blood vessel should break, I would spit blood. For instance, in Milan a man weighing 240 pounds lost his eyesight doing this trick. That is because the optical nerves take a beating, and once you lose your eyes, you are finished. If there's any delicate person in the audience, I would advise him to look away 'cause there could be blood.

    [with seemingly great effort, he breaks the chain]

  • Gelsomina's Mother: She's not like Rosa. But she's a good girl, poor thing. She'll do what she's told. She just came out a little strange. But, if she eats every day, maybe she'll get better.