Krisha Comments

  • Bryce 2022-08-24 22:04:16

    The first half is basically silent. . . People who wear earplugs while sleeping are simply tortured. . . But the last tearing scene did not understand whether it was before or after the conversation between the two...

  • Verda 2022-08-24 21:49:27

    As a debut work, its amazing place is not only reflected in the ease of control of the intensity of the drama in the conflict scene, but also in the complex and uncluttered scheduling in multiple group dramas, not only in the close and delicate psychological state of the protagonist Krisha The portrayal is also reflected in the perceptual shaping of the environment and atmosphere of the protagonist. Changing the frame twice in the second half does not seem to have much meaning other than...

  • Easter 2022-08-24 21:19:47

    The irritability of this movie is caused by the dirty actors and bad soundtrack to achieve disgusting effects...If you can't do it yourself, please don't ask others to forgive you...the worst of the...

  • Webster 2022-08-24 21:15:15

    The use of sound effects and images to portray the psychology is quite successful, but the story itself is too...

  • Estefania 2022-08-24 18:11:04

    Trey, who loves movies, went to business school, but made this movie dedicated to his mother. The movie also plays Trey in a corner, expressing love for his family. This semi-autobiographical sketch has deep emotions. The subjective visual presentation of an old woman who disappoints her family, but she can see the complex emotions of family mad and not hate. The director's scene scheduling and emotional rendering are surprising....


Director: Trey Edward Shults

Language: English Release date: March 18, 2016