Krampus Comments

  • Blaze 2023-01-14 18:38:00

    dark santa dark fairy...

  • Earnest 2023-01-13 02:24:00

    2018 Part 09, 20180502. If you buy and sell with a single hammer, ask whether human beings are worthy of having a happy and peaceful festival, just argue with whether people are inherently good or inherently evil, and there will be no conclusion. A scary Christmas, a desperate Christmas, and a Christmas movie that gives you inspiration.

  • Enid 2023-01-11 07:44:16

    Generally speaking, there are not many good-looking Christmas-themed horror movies. The monsters in this one are quite cute, especially the gingerbread villains. The scene of being blasted by gunfire is so cruel, so sad, Eaten by dogs. For me, a gingerbread man lover, I am very angry? The final ending haha, I thought it was a cliché, but it's...

  • Joanie 2023-01-01 17:57:33

    Guess who starred in the comedy horror movie hot dad again?...

  • Holden 2022-12-26 09:49:29

    After 1 hour of dullness, endless funny jokes and cry~~ scare the bear children or the crooked fruit people can play...

  • Valentina 2022-12-26 02:53:24

    Fast forward all the way. The climax of the whole story of my mother is how many people wear masks for cosplay? One star for the gingerbread...

  • Winifred 2022-12-16 06:42:55

    It's actually quite interesting, but the score is low. Worth a look even if it just kills...

  • Mara 2022-12-13 22:10:19

    I find that I like actors who are often in a certain type of film, like Tony...

  • Gerson 2022-12-10 21:14:40

    One of the best Christmas horror movies out there, it's just too hilarious with a clichéd ending. The main interesting thing is Kramps' black Christmas version of the dog's leg, and it is not a CG special effect, but it uses a lot of physical special effects, and Kramps with a human face and a sheep body is also...

  • Dimitri 2022-12-07 15:19:13

    Christmas Night Strange Tales: Odd Odd Tan Version! The director continues to follow the inter-frame structure of ancient legends. Satire the distortion of traditional festival concepts in contemporary material life! In order to break through the age limit, a lot of convergence. But the latter still gives a very stupid feeling! PS: 1. Santa Claus stares at the girl's lower body. . . 2. The reason why demonic haunting happens to very devout and pure people is to laugh at the things they control...

Extended Reading

Krampus quotes

  • Omi: Saint Nicholas is not coming this year. Instead, a much darker, ancient spirit. His name is Krampus. He and his helpers did not come to give, but to take. He is the shadow of Saint Nicholas.

  • Jordan: We know you still believe in the big fat creeper!

    Max: I don't know what you're talking about!

    Stevie: [pulls up Max's letter to Santa] Are you sure about that?

    Beth Engel: [Max tries to get his letter back; Beth stops him] Stop!

    Stevie: [reading] "Dear Santa, I know I haven't been great this year and I'm sorry for that, but I was really hoping you can help out me and my family this Christmas. We need you!" Oh, Maxi Pad. That is so s...

    Beth Engel: [stops him from getting his letter back] Stop, Max!

    Stevie: Blah blah blah. Bullshit, bullshit. Ah, here we go, Maxi's wish list!

    Beth Engel: Stevie, stop! That's enough!

    Stevie: Wait, you're up first, Beth!


    Stevie: "I wish me and Beth could hang out like we used to."

    [Beth turns her head to Max]

    Stevie: "Might've noticed that I don't have tons of friends."

    [she pretends to feel sorry for him and Jordan mockingly smiles]

    Stevie: Oh, no, really Max?

    [Jordan laughs and she continues reading]

    Stevie: "I wish my Mom and Dad could fall in love again."

    [Tom and Howard look at each other]

    Stevie: "I know they get upset a lot with Dad away from home so much. I think they really just miss each other."

    [Linda enters]

    Stevie: "Also, I wish things weren't so hard for Uncle Howard and Aunt Linda."

    [Stevie and Linda look at each other]

    Stevie: "So, maybe you can lend them a hand for the rest of the year."

    [turns letter around as Howard and Linda look at each other]

    Stevie: "And... and that..."


    Stevie: Screw you, Dad does not wish we were boys!

    Sarah Engel: [smilingly enters with carambola] Who wants carambola?

    [Beth turns her head to Sarah and Sarah stops smiling on realizing the situation]

    Max: [angrily gets off his chair to get his letter back] Give me the letter!

    Tom: Hey! Max?

    [Max fights with Stevie and Jordan with the adults talking in the background]

    Howard: [pulls Stevie and Jordan back] All right, that's enough!

    Tom: You okay? Honey!

    Max: I just wanted Christmas to be like it used to be, but forget it! I hate Christmas! I hate all of you!

    [angrily and tearfully runs up to his room]

    Sarah Engel: Max? Max!

    Aunt Dorothy: Oh, lay off of him!

    [Max slams his bedroom door]

    Aunt Dorothy: Kid deserves a prize for telling the truth!