Kirschblüten - Hanami Comments

  • Gayle 2022-10-08 19:24:24

    The speed of watching movies has reached one film in ten days! Before I open a movie every day, I will think about what books and papers I haven’t read. Let’s get down to business first, so it’s desolate like this! ! !...

  • Clifton 2022-10-07 04:22:22

    i cried a lot in this film. It's worth our time and

  • Joanie 2022-10-06 22:11:39

    1 Where have you been? I'm used to calling your name. 2 I always feel that Asians are of the same family, and it is very incompatible with Westerners. 3 Not all white people speak...

  • Lynn 2022-09-28 15:54:00

    As he spins under the cherry tree in his dead wife's...

  • Theo 2022-09-25 08:48:57

    If you don't know death, how can you know life, if you don't know life, how can you know...

  • Monte 2022-09-14 20:42:10

    Looking at the first half, I directly think of Ozu's "Tokyo Story", and then I think of Woody Allen. This film is visually pleasing, and in line with the plot, the representative symbol of Tokyo, Japan is added, which is suitable for watching in theaters. Seeing that everyone said that there is still a shadow of "Lost in Translation" in it, I have seen this film and gave it 5 stars, but I can't remember the plot. "Sakura Blossom" exerts too much force, but it loses its color, so...

  • Maud 2022-09-05 02:50:47

    Even though you have been far away, you are still in my heart, one with you, what I see is what you see, and we will never be...

  • Lisa 2022-09-03 21:36:36

    After watching "When Cherry Blossoms Bloom" (Kirschblüten - Hanami, also known as "Happy Sadness"), I revisited the philosophy of cherry blossoms that I longed for when I was young, recognized the spirit of Buto, and even shed a few tears. bad...

  • Jasen 2022-04-24 07:01:23

    The Baltic Sea and Mount Fuji are first and foremost beautiful style paintings. The film knows the death information from the beginning, and we have been feeling sadness, love and moving. I think the plot of the wife's passing away is the key to the film's turning point, so that the long-destined wife can re-examine life and know her lover in her limited life. I don't know if the screenwriter feels the indifference in the German family, so he deliberately used the gap between parents and...

  • Kristoffer 2022-04-24 07:01:23

    2009/10/4 9:40pm BC Japanese Style Paintings of the Dead Edition. Although it is a bit deliberate, it is not easy to integrate Noh with the theme and atmosphere of the film. Because Noh was originally a deliberate thing for movies and ordinary foreigners, but a German film can make it so beautiful and unconventional, I have to admire the director's skills.

Extended Reading

Kirschblüten - Hanami quotes

  • Karolin Angermeier: Your cue, mama.

    Klaus Angermeier: Go on, mama.

    Karolin Angermeier: Mama, please, 'The Mayfly'. Come one, mama. For us.

    Trudi Angermeier: 'Stop! What you're doing is murder!'

    Klaus Angermeier: 'Such cruelty is not a must... '

    Trudi Angermeier: 'The Mayfly has but one short day... '

    Karolin Angermeier: 'One single day of pain, one single day of lust... '


    Rudi Angermeier: 'Oh, let it hover there, until it meets it's end. It's heavens last forever. It's life one day to make amends.' Right, mama?