Kirschblüten - Hanami Comments

  • Curtis 2023-09-30 23:16:09

    I thought this would be a story about "the child wants to be raised but the parent doesn't", but it's not. I think it's hard to explain what it's trying to tell us, maybe everyone gets it differently. I saw life, and what did you...

  • Micaela 2023-09-20 22:37:24

    It is rare to see foreigners paying attention to oriental culture films, which are relatively new. In the end, the scene where the old man died dancing dancing by the lake was simply beautiful. ....

  • Wilfred 2023-09-13 03:14:07

    The gentle female perspective is admirable, but some of the scenes are too sensational and lack a calmness. In addition, there are many flaws in the plot, and it feels a bit like a tribute for the sake of tribute. Western-style Ozu = the most popular healing system...

  • Alysha 2023-09-10 12:44:08

    I cried. I'm starting to fear my old age is coming. He was not born in the love of his mother like in the beginning, but died completely...

  • Mabelle 2023-08-31 01:38:56

    I can't believe that this is a movie made by a German director. It is obvious that the director was deeply influenced by Ozu's Tokyo Story, especially in the first half of the film until the sudden death of the old lady, he was simply copying Tokyo Story, and even some of the lines were exactly the same. Fortunately, the subsequent trip to Tokyo brought the film into a new realm, examining the proposition of life and death from an oriental...

  • Spencer 2023-08-29 12:34:18

    Sure enough, Germany and Japan are good friends... In addition, this old man is really a typical...

  • Kyle 2023-08-23 08:59:54

    It is very touching to hate foreign children why they are so impersonal, but if they live with their parents for a long time, Chinese children may feel annoyed in their hearts and only know how to cherish when they...

  • Nakia 2023-08-12 14:43:35

    "It's gift is only one day, a sad day, a joyful day. Oh, let it live, let it dance, until the twilight bell rings, the time of the day is its destiny, and the flight of the twilight is its paradise ." The two of them wore a blue sweater together, a pink girl who was as delicious as wagashi under the cherry blossom...

  • Rosalia 2023-07-21 15:13:28

    The whole first half is a tribute to "Tokyo Story". It feels okay, but a bit contrived. My mother always thought that the little girl and the old man should have love or something, and I was despised by my father and I. Madam, you probably watch too many TV shows. ....

  • Jarvis 2023-07-07 11:35:38

    The first half is natural and sad; the second half is deliberate and beautiful. Originally thought to highlight the cultural differences between the East and the West in treating the elderly, but I was completely wrong. Three and a half. Only now did I know that the first half was copied from Tokyo Story. ....

Extended Reading

Kirschblüten - Hanami quotes

  • Karolin Angermeier: Your cue, mama.

    Klaus Angermeier: Go on, mama.

    Karolin Angermeier: Mama, please, 'The Mayfly'. Come one, mama. For us.

    Trudi Angermeier: 'Stop! What you're doing is murder!'

    Klaus Angermeier: 'Such cruelty is not a must... '

    Trudi Angermeier: 'The Mayfly has but one short day... '

    Karolin Angermeier: 'One single day of pain, one single day of lust... '


    Rudi Angermeier: 'Oh, let it hover there, until it meets it's end. It's heavens last forever. It's life one day to make amends.' Right, mama?