Killer Elite Comments

  • Darren 2022-03-16 09:01:04

    God-like retro taste, but the plot is super...

  • Emmanuelle 2022-03-16 09:01:04

    A blockbuster before the Syrian war, the conspiracy theory of Middle East...

  • Edwina 2022-03-15 09:01:04

    Obviously it should be a refreshing and entertaining action film, but the director wanted to make it into a movie similar to "Munich", so in the end, the action drama was largely absent, and the most important thing is that the story without depth itself has nothing. Both sides are not pleased with the need to uplift, but it is worthy of affirmation that the film still has the vibe of an old-fashioned tough guy action film, and it hasn't followed the trend to sell corruption, and engage in...

  • Jaylen 2022-03-15 09:01:04

    It is estimated that the paper is dizzy, and the critical standard for movies has been lowered. For Robert De Niro, 4...

  • Emery 2022-03-14 14:12:23

    The story is quite simple, it belongs to the kind that you can forget after reading it. But it's so tiring to watch... I wanted to watch three Biao dramas, but I just wanted to watch Jason. It hurts so much,...

  • Brent 2022-02-09 08:01:37

    It's enough to have Cliff Irving and Jason Statham fighting and drag racing! Besides, there are lincon barrows and sara blessings! People who say this film is not good have high demands on the film! The 80s colors of this film are beautiful, and the ending song is also super...

  • Lizzie 2022-02-09 08:01:37

    At the beginning, it was quite chicken-blooded, and if it was too much, there would be no response. I fell asleep gorgeously, and it was not good to wake up too early to watch a movie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De Niro is taking this soy sauce route now? ? ? Let's take a picture of the father-in-law. . . . ....

  • Serenity 2022-02-09 08:01:37

    In the huge theater of the American Emperor, I really didn't understand what English is being said. The key is that there are no subtitles, but the final scene is still jealous. Every killer's heart is actually surrounded by love and...

  • Horace 2022-02-09 08:01:37

    I didn't expect any new tricks in this type of action movie. A killer came back to the world to save his benefactor, but the plot layout was a mess. Fortunately, the action scenes were one after the other, the car chasing explosions and gun battles were all different. Lack, although not amazing enough, it definitely meets the standard, intermittently interspersed with the love memories of Jason Statham and his girlfriend, various retro action dramas are still useful, and the aura of several...

  • Augusta 2022-02-09 08:01:37

    I lasted 120 minutes for these three men. . . But there is no passion, no passion, no muscles, no fights, no blasting, no sports cars, no beauties, no jokes, no laughs, no bursts, no orgasms. . . . So what's in this movie? Really. . . There is no hair at all! ! ! Once again prove the truth that the more powerful the cast, the more likely it is to rot. . . ....

Extended Reading

Killer Elite quotes

  • Spike: Who the fuck are you?

    Hunter: Who, me? The voice of experience.

  • [last lines]

    Danny: Hey. Aren't you Anne Frazer? The girl with those weird gumboots?

    Anne: Are you Danny Bryce, the boy who went away?

    Danny: Yeah. I'm back. Where you headed?

    Anne: I don't know.

    Danny: Me neither. Want to come along?

    [Anne jumps into the car]

Killer Elite

Director: Gary McKendry

Language: English,Arabic,French,Spanish Release date: September 23, 2011

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