Kill Your Friends Comments

  • Damian 2022-10-02 23:58:19

    The film is not too ugly, but the story is not interesting or novel. It doesn’t seem to be very clear about its positioning and style, which leads to a taste of everything and nothing to the extreme. An office version of a male version of Gongdou drama, under the guise of music. It’s a guise, but it’s darker and more practical than the hip-hop empire. I don’t feel any crime or horror at all, but these bastards are indeed very hateful. Holt has made progress, but the last look is still...

  • Wilford 2022-09-15 18:40:07

    What I saw was Tony who grew up in Skins, taking drugs and changing his personality, which does not prevent him from still being dazzling and lovely. But the plot is really mumbo-jumbo, have no idea what it is really talking...

  • Hillary 2022-09-15 10:02:21

    ac2633082 is still the same sentence, the police know the crime best, and commit a crime in a neat way. Looking for skin with a tiger is the most taboo and greedy. You see the same boat in your eyes, but you never thought about being thrown into the water by the other party. When you realize that the environment is not suitable for you, you must retreat without being alone. Assimilation is a simple matter. Human nature is too naive and extremely evil. You must be fickle before you develop your...

  • Samara 2022-08-20 08:22:51

    I really like Nicholas' performance. Although he is not very skilled, he is better than working hard. The film is purely malicious (a spoof?) The editing is quick and a bit...

  • Ruthie 2022-08-19 21:20:11

    The quality of the story itself can't be flattered, but the neon color lighting of the psychedelic texture is quite meaningful for learning. In addition, I still sigh that Nicholas Holt’s play is really wide, and everything is like a natural magic in the play, from warm corpses, to giant killers, to X-Men, to crazy Max 4. In this movie, this man is really...

  • Murray 2022-08-19 20:05:05

    "What is the meaning of life?" "It is to destroy your enemies, crush your enemies, and enjoy the wailing from their...

  • Brionna 2022-08-19 19:30:50

    The struggle for interest and power in the music circle exposes the bloody facts of stepping on the shoulders and planting blame. The story itself is full of gimmicks, but it can be filmed but not attractive, trivial, exaggerated, and lengthy, which repeatedly suppresses the fun of the script. , It makes people drowsy, but Holt’s acting skills are remarkable, it is quite meaningful to interpret the intellectual businessman scum, and the movie is also his radiant catwalk, it’s hard not to be...

  • Emmie 2022-08-19 13:25:08

    Business is the driving force that promotes the progress of popular music. If you have to compare these two fields together, business is even greater than music. From the beginning to the end, people who like music feel very awkward. It lies in treating music from the perspective of a businessman. All plots are built on this foundation. Of course this is intentional by the screenwriter. The success of the trash girl band "Yellow Orioles" in the play is a mockery of the limited taste of the...

  • Alysa 2022-08-19 13:17:57

    Teach you how to black...

Extended Reading

Kill Your Friends quotes

  • Steven Stelfox: Only one thing matters in this racket: Big. Hit. Records.

  • Steven Stelfox: I'm the king!

Kill Your Friends

Director: Owen Harris

Language: English Release date: April 1, 2016