Kill the Irishman Comments

  • Jayme 2022-09-15 11:26:00

    It starts with an Irish bastard getting hit by a car bomb, then a flashback from a blue-collar worker to a union boss, not long after a corruption scandal hits the scene, and then comes out as a man of the year to settle the matter. The characters in Ray Steveson's film are not the boss, but they are a bit chivalrous and die for their brothers, but the film is obviously more than enough to deal with the turning points. In addition, many acquaintances made cameos quite fun, and the Shawshank...

  • Lon 2022-09-14 16:00:32

    In the end, his death was expected, but he didn't want to believe that such a strong...

  • Alia 2022-09-09 01:03:49

    My two favorite...

  • Jennie 2022-09-05 10:05:20

    Nima labor is to watch gangster movies, not the story of a bastard politician! ! ! The protagonist of the gangster biopic is portrayed as a middle-aged 2b with absolutely no charm at all....

  • Blake 2022-05-27 23:11:19

    Documentary is always...

  • Jane 2022-05-27 22:23:36

    U.S. gangster movies showed personality charm when filming, while Chinese gangster movies were brought to justice from the first...

  • Clemmie 2022-05-27 21:42:01

    The best gangster movie since "The...

  • Mortimer 2022-05-27 21:20:32

    This Celtic from Ireland has the gift of God. He is principled, has a mind, can fight, he has brothers, he loves women, he is full of biographical characters, and a gangster movie with a strong epic feeling. Finally, when the Irish bagpipes sounded, this The legendary fate of the Irish, who could not be killed, was rendered to the...

  • Marques 2022-05-27 16:43:11

    American gangster movies have a personality charm when they are...

Extended Reading

Kill the Irishman quotes

  • Danny Greene: Why stick our nose in Vietnam? The English have been doing that to the Irish for the last 2000 years. And by the way, how are we gonna pay for it, huh? Deficit spending, my ass! Next thing you know, we'll be going off the gold standard, this country's going to hell.

  • Joe Manditski: [Narrating about Danny Greene] It was only a matter of time before he started hanging out at the Theatrical Grill. Every town's got a Theatrical. The one place where crooks and cops sit side by side.